Gnathostomulida -- taxonomic database


[Return to listing: Chirognathia dracula Sterrer & Sørensen, 2006]

Chirognathia dracula Sterrer & Sørensen, 2006

authordateabstr.titlejournal / publicationpages
Primary authority:
Sterrer, W. and Sørensen, M.V.2006  
Chirognathia dracula gen. et spec. nov. (Gnathostomulida) from the west coast of N. America.Marine Biology Research 2006(2): 296-302.152

Literature with distribution data:

Sterrer, W. and Sørensen, M.V.2006  
Chirognathia dracula gen. et spec. nov. (Gnathostomulida) from the west coast of N. America.Marine Biology Research 2006(2): 296-302.152

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