Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Clicking on a marker will show information available about the collection site. (Compare with corresponding letter in table.)

for Planocera graffi

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site collection date depth substrate salin locality kind comments reference
A Saint Vincent (São Vicente, Son Visent, Son Sent), Cape Verde1904         2 specimens. Laidlaw FF (1903) 707
B Boa Vista Island, Cape Verde1904         1 specimen. Laidlaw FF (1903) 707
C Gulf of Naples (Bay of Naples, Neapel, Napoli), Italy1884 or earlier       type locality associated with Balanus, Halichondria, Penares, Lithodomus, Halichondria-Astroides. Lang A (1884) 436; from Riedl 1959 (citation)- p. 204
D Gulf of Naples (Bay of Naples, Neapel, Napoli), Italy1884 or earlier       type locality associated with Balanus, Halichondria, Penares, Lithodomus, Halichondria-Astroides. Lang A (1884) 436; from Riedl 1959 (citation)- p. 204