Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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for Paromalostomum fusculum

Scroll through list of sites as necessary.
site collection date depth substrate salin locality kind comments reference
A Ile de Callot, Roscoff, FranceSep 19, 1973   coarse sand     from the beach slope, eulittoral of the west side of the Ile de Callot (200 m to the left of the Church). Ehlers U (1980) 164
B Robin Hood's Bay, United Kingdom1971 or earlier   medium to coarse sand     Stoupe Beck Sand, close to the low water line, 5-10 cm deep. Gray JS, Rieger RM (1971) : from Rieger (citation)- 572
C Filey, Yorkshire, United Kingdom1971 or earlier   fine to medium sand     Filey Beach, mid water level, 0-5 cm deep. Gray JS, Rieger RM (1971) : from Rieger (citation)- 572
D Filey, Yorkshire, United KingdomSep 2, 1969   sand     sheltered beach. Gray JS, Rieger RM (1971) 14
E Cape Canaille (Cap Canaille), Baie de Cassis, Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, FranceOct 1966   fine sand     rocky coast. Rieger RM (1971) 572
F Sylt Island (North Frisian Islands), North Sea1972-1975         semi-exposed beach slope, clean sand flat Faubel A (1977) 68-69, Table 1
G Sylt Island (North Frisian Islands), North Sea1972-1975         clean sand flat Faubel A (1977) 68-69, Table 1
H Sylt Island (North Frisian Islands), North Sea1972-1975         sheltered beach slope, sand mud flat Faubel A (1977) 68-69, Table 1
I Sylt Island (North Frisian Islands), North Seasummer 1951 eulittoral sand   default type east of list. Ax P (1952) 103
J Amrum Island, (North Frisian Islands), North Sea1972-1975         semi-exposed beach slope, clean sand flat Faubel A (1977) 68-69, Table 1
K Amrum Island, (North Frisian Islands), North Seasummer 1951 eulittoral fine and medium sand   default type west of Amrum. Sand bank. Ax P (1952) 103
L site south of Keitum, Germany1982-1983   sand       Hellwig M (1987) 174
M inner Königshafen, Sylt Island, Germany, North SeaMay 1982 -Jul 1983   sand     Königshafen. Strandgebiet im inneren Konigshafen. Dargestellt ist der Bereich zwischen 30 cm über und 30 cm unter der MHWL. Hellwig M (1987) 174
N Sandy beach on eastern shore of Sylt. Litoralstation (old littoral station), Biological Institute Helgoland, Biologische Anstalt Helgoland (BAH), List, Sylt1967-1968 eulittoral, littoral sandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areas     sandy beach, upper 4 cm of sand in summer, deeper into the sediment in winter Pawlak R (1969) 417
O Koenigs Bay (Koenigshafens, Konigshafen, Königshafen), Sylt Island, Germany, North SeaAug 1983   fine-coarse sand, rocks     Königshaften. eulittoral - suprlittoral transition belt of the lentic tidal coast. Nehrungshaken und Lagune (fein- bis grobsandig, -10 bis + 20 cm, 10 x 2 cm2) sowie anschliessender Strand (-5 bis + 35 cm, Feinsand bis Kies, detritusreich, 15 x 2 c Hellwig M (1987) 174
P between Sylt and Romo (Römö), north of Ellenbogen, Sylt Island, Germany, North SeaApr-Sep 1983 10-20 m medium-coarse sand     sublittoral sample, north of the island of Sylt, between Römö and Sylt. Wehrenberg C, Reise K (1985) 168-170
Q between Sylt and Romo (Römö), north of Ellenbogen, Sylt Island, Germany, North SeaApr-Sep 1982 10-20 m medium-coarse sand     sublittoral sample, north of the island of Sylt, between Römö and Sylt. Wehrenberg C, Reise K (1985) 168-170
R Lister Hook (Lister Haken, Hakens), Sylt Island, GermanyAug 1983         Lister Haken, at the eulittoral-supralittoral transition belt of the lentic tidal coast. lenitisch- bis schwach lotische Westseite, -25 cm bis +40 cm. a) deichnaher geschützter, b) mittlerer, c) spitzhennaher exponierter Teil, jeweils 30 x 2 cm2. Hellwig M (1987) 174
S Ellenbogen, Sylt Island, North Seasummer 1951 eulittoral coarse and pebbly sand   default type south of the Ellenbogens. Undercut of bank sand flats. Ax P (1952) 103
T Romo (Roem, Rom, Römö, Rømø) Island, (North Frisian Islands), Denmark, North Sea1972-1975   mud, sand     sand mud flat Faubel A (1977) 68-69, Table 1
U Westerhever Sand, Eiderstedt Peninsula, Schleswig-Holstein, Germanysummer 1951 eulittoral (Bathyporeia-Haustorius-Zone) fine sand   default type north of St. Peter. (Bathyporeia-Haustorius-Zone) Ax P (1952) 103
V Klubban beach, Klubban, near Kristineberg, Sweden1971 or earlier   fine sand     single specimen found by W. Sterrer, 6 m from the coastline, 60 cm deep in the fine sand, Klubban-strand, Biologische Station Kristineberg. Rieger RM (1971) 571