Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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for Parotoplana capitata

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site collection date depth substrate salin locality kind comments reference
A Lawrence's Bay (Lawrence's Brow), Saint Martin's (St. Martins, Saint Martins) Island, Scilly Islands (Sillies, Isles of Scilly), United KingdomMay 12-16, 2002 eulittoral medium to coarse sand mixed with shells     eulittoral semi-exposed beach, mid-tide level, sandy flat covered with brown algae (Fuscus serratus, Fuscus vesiculosus. Sediment and aufwuchs settled on Laminaria holdfasts, algae Porifera and Cnidaria were sampled. Sublittoral samples by SCUBA. Faubel A, Warwick RM (2005) 3
B Traeth Bach (Traeth Bychan), Anglesey, North Wales, United Kingdom1958-1961 intertidal fine shell gravel, coarse sand     MTL, common. Boaden PJS (1963) 86
C Traeth Bach (Traeth Bychan), Anglesey, North Wales, United Kingdom1958-1961 intertidal fine shell gravel, coarse sand     HWN, from pool, common. Boaden PJS (1963) 86
D Bassin d'Arcachon (Arcachon Bay), Aquitaine, FranceFeb 1971         Französische Atlantikküste. Bucht von Arcachon. Mehrere Exemplare (Feb 1971, leg. Dr. W. Westheide). Sopott B (1972) 225
E Helgoland, GermanyJan 1969         Helgoland. Amphioxus-Sand. 3 Exemplare. (Jan. 1969, leg. D. Menker). Sopott B (1972) 225
F Hornum (Hörnum, Hoernum), Sylt Island, GermanySep 1969         Hörnum. Im Sandwatt und Sandhang. Mehrere Individuen. Sopott B (1972) 225
G Hornum (Hörnum, Hoernum), Sylt Island, GermanyJan 1970         Hörnum. Im Sandwatt und Sandhang. Mehrere Individuen. Sopott B (1972) 225
H Westerland, Sylt Island, GermanyAug 1969 13 m       Westerland. Sublitoral. In 13 m Tiefe. Vereinzelt. Sopott B (1972) 225
I Weststrand, List, Sylt Island, Germany, North SeaJun 1969         Sylt. Weststrand. Mehrere Exemplare. Sopott B (1972) 225
J Weststrand, List, Sylt Island, Germany, North SeaNov 1969         Sylt. Weststrand. Mehrere Exemplare. Sopott B (1972) 225
K Weststrand, List, Sylt Island, Germany, North SeaMay 1971         Sylt. Weststrand. Mehrere Exemplare. Sopott B (1972) 225
L Lister Hook (Lister Haken, Hakens), Sylt Island, Germany, North SeaSep 1970         Lister Haken. Im Sandhang. Mehrere Exemplare. Sopott B (1972) 225
M Sandy beach on eastern shore of Sylt. Litoralstation (old littoral station), Biological Institute Helgoland, Biologische Anstalt Helgoland (BAH), List, SyltApr 1969 - Mar 1971         List. Am Oststrand vor der Litoralstation. Im Sandwatt und im Sandhang. Regelmässig über das ganze Jahr. Sopott B (1972) 225
N between Sylt and Romo (Römö), north of Ellenbogen, Sylt Island, Germany, North SeaApr-Sep 1983 10-20 m medium-coarse sand     sublittoral sample, north of the island of Sylt, between Römö and Sylt. Wehrenberg C, Reise K (1985) 168-170
O between Sylt and Romo (Römö), north of Ellenbogen, Sylt Island, Germany, North SeaApr-Sep 1982 10-20 m medium-coarse sand     sublittoral sample, north of the island of Sylt, between Römö and Sylt. Wehrenberg C, Reise K (1985) 168-170
P Ellenbogen, Sylt Island, North SeaMar 1969         Ellenbogen-Nordseite. Einige Tiere. Sopott B (1972) 225
Q Ellenbogen, south beach, List, Sylt Island, North SeaJul 1970         Ellenbogen-Südseite. Im Sandhang. Mehrere Exemplare. Sopott B (1972) 225
R Ellenbogen, south beach, List, Sylt Island, North SeaMar 1971         Ellenbogen-Südseite. Im Sandhang. Mehrere Exemplare. Sopott B (1972) 225