Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Hovering the cursor over a marker will show the site's name.
Clicking on a marker will show information available about the collection site. (Compare with corresponding letter in table.)

for Cytocystis clitellatus

Scroll through list of sites as necessary.
site collection date depth substrate salin locality kind comments reference
A Håkonsund (Hakonsund, Hakenssund), Hordaland Fylke, Norway22 June 1964 2-3m fine sand marine     Karling TG (1965) 2
B Kristinebergsviken, Gullmarsfjorden, Sweden2 August 1932   loam marine default type   Karling TG (1953) 493
C Gullmarfjord (Essvik), western Sweden9-14 August 1944     marine default type   Karling TG (1953) 493
D Strommarna (Strömmarna), western Sweden17 July 1945 10-18m loam marine default type Mentioned as such in Karling, 1953; not further specified Karling TG (1953) 493
E Strommarna (Strömmarna), western Sweden20 October 1945   Mud marine default type Kivik Karling TG (1953) 493