Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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for Carcharodorhynchus isolatus

Scroll through list of sites as necessary.
site collection date depth substrate salin locality kind comments reference
A eastern shore of Sylt Island, Germany1968-1970           Hoxhold S (1974) 26
B eastern shore of Sylt Island, Germany1970 or earlier       default type ...besiedeln den Sandstrand am Ostufer von List/Sylt in horizontaler Abfolge vom Sublitoral bis in das Supralitoral. Schilke K (1970) from Ax 2008 (citation)- p. 525
C List, Sandbank im Wattenmeer östlich List (13), Sylt, Germany1966-1968       type locality Sandwatt. Schilke K (1970) 223
D List, Litoralstation der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland (12), Sylt, Germany1966-1968         Sandwatt. (leg. Hoxhold) Schilke K (1970) 223
E sublittoral sample station #34 (rot 2), SyltSeptember 1983 12 m medium sand       Noldt U (1989) 16