Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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for Beklemischeviella angustior

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site collection date depth substrate salin locality kind comments reference
A Morgan Park (East Bay Park), Georgetown, northern Winyah Bay, South Carolina, USAApr 1995     brackish   A few individuals from the beach of Morgan Park. Muddy sand with cushions of cyanobacterians. Ax P (1997) 22
B Pocologan, New Brunswick, CanadaAug-Sep 1984   fine-medium sand brackish   brackish water bay. Green algal mats on sediment. Ax P, Armonies W (1987) 48
C Pocologan, New Brunswick, CanadaAug-Sep 1984   medium-coarse sand     Intertidal, medium to coarser sand with detritus. Ax P, Armonies W (1987) 48
D Pocologan, New Brunswick, CanadaAug-Sep 1984   medium-coarse sand brackish   brackish water bay. shore zone next to a freshwater inlet. Ax P, Armonies W (1987) 48
E Pocologan, New Brunswick, CanadaAug-Sep 1984   mud brackish   brackish water bay. next to a freshwater inlet. Ax P, Armonies W (1987) 48
F Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Swedenprior to 1943         found in the Baltic Sea, and at the entrance of the Gulf of Finland near Stockholm. Luther A (1943) ; from Hartog (citation)-p. 385
G Stockholms Skärgård (Schären von Stockholm, Stockholm Archipelago), Sweden1974 and earlier         Schären von Stockholm. Luther A (1962) and Karling 1974 (citation); from Ax 2008 (citation)- p. 352
H Tvarminne (Tvärminne, Tverminne, Tvaerminne), Kvarnskar (Kvärnskar), Finnish Bay, Finland1997         Ostsee. Finnischer Meerbusen. Umgebung von Tvaerminne bis in 34 m Wassertiefe. Eigene Funde am Sandstrand von Lappvik. Ax P (2008) 352
I Zoologischen Station Tvärminne (Tvarminne), Hanko (Hango, Hangö), Finnish Bay, FinlandJune 1934 4 m Sand   default type Dr Karling and Luther found this species before the steamer bridge to the zoological station, between Brännskär and Sundholmen. Luther A (1943) 77
J Lappohja (Lappvik), Finnish Bay (Finnischen Meersbusen), Finland1997         Ostsee. Finnischer Meerbusen. Umgebung von Tvaerminne bis in 34 m Wassertiefe. Eigene Funde am Sandstrand von Lappvik. Ax P (2008) 352
K Gulf of Finland (Finnischer Meerbusen, Finnischer Busen, Suomen Lakht, Suomen Lahti, Finskiy Zaliv, Suomiuilanka, Finska Vikin, Somu juras licis, Finska Viken, Soome Laht)prior to 1943         found in the Baltic Sea, and at the entrance of the Gulf of Finland near Stockholm. Luther A (1943) ; from Hartog (citation)-p. 385