Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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for Proxenetes unidentatus

Scroll through list of sites as necessary.
site collection date depth substrate salin locality kind comments reference
A Pocologan, New Brunswick, CanadaAug-Sep 1984   sand     brackish water bay. Sand of the shore zone. Ax P, Armonies W (1987) 45
B Leiruvogur (Leirovogur), east of Reykjavik, Iceland1993   coarse sand     Island. Bucht Leiruvogur. Flusslauf mit Süsswasser, Grobsand Ax P (2008) 374
C Ria de Villaviciosa near Badrinana, Spain1997-1999     Brackish (olig)     Noreña C, Damborenea C, Faubel A & Brusa F (2007) 1992, 1994
D Aveton Gifford, United KingdomSep 1964       type locality salt-marsh along the estuary of the river Avon. den Hartog C (1965) 115
E Ria de Guernica near Kanala, Spain1997-1999     Brackish (olig)     Noreña C, Damborenea C, Faubel A & Brusa F (2007) 1992, 1994
F Cadzand (Kadzand, Casant), Provincie Zeeland, NetherlandsNov 1964         salt-marsh. Verdronken Zwarte Polder near Cadzand. (Bilio, personal communication) den Hartog C (1965) 115
G Groene Strand (Groene Duin), Oosterland, Province of Zeeland, NetherlandsOct 1964         salt-marsh. Oostvoorne, Groen Strand (Bilio, personal communication) den Hartog C (1965) 115
H Rantum, Sylt Island, Germany, North SeaAug 1966         Salt meadow, edge of ditch. Ax P (1971) 208
I Rantum-Süd, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea1982-1983   sand brackish   supralitoral salt marsh. AR auf lockerem, detritusreichen Boden mit variierenden Anteilen an eingewehtem Dünensand. 40 bis 50 cm über MHWL. Armonies W (1987) 98
J Raantem Inge, Rantum, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea1982-1983         salt meadow. very frequent. Armonies W (1987) 98
K Raantem Inge, Rantum, Sylt Island, Germany, North SeaFeb 1983   medium sand     Rantum. 'Raantem Inge", Strand, Mittelsand, teilweise mit Kies durchsetzt, -20 bis +25 cm, 5 Probestellen zu 10 x 2 cm2. Hellwig M (1987) 176
L Nielönn, north of Kampen, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea1982-1983         salt meadow. very frequent. Armonies W (1987) 98
M site south of Keitum, Germany1982-1983   sand       Hellwig M (1987) 176
N Tipkenhoog, Keitum, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea1982-1983   coarse sand brackish   supralitoral salt marsh. Übergang von SNR zum grobsandigen Strand; 90 bis 130 cm über MHWL. In der Mitte des Geländes liegt eine Senke, hier wurden Salzkonzentrationen von 8 bis 25 o/oo gemessen. Armonies W (1987) 98
O Grosse Gröning, near List, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea1982-1983         salt meadow. very frequent. Armonies W (1987) 98
P Ellenbogen, Sylt Island, North Sea1982-1983   medium-coarse sand, mud brackish   supralitoral salt marsh. beweideter AR. Mittel-bis grobsandiger Boden mit unterschiedlichen Schlick- und Detritusanteilen. 20 bis 50 cm über MHWL. Armonies W (1987) 98
Q Nösse (Nosse), Hindenburgdamm-Nord, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea1982-1983   fine sand, mud brackish   supralitoral salt marsh. AR auf feinsandig-schlickigem Boden, 40 cm über MHWL. Armonies W (1987) 98
R Cuxhaven, Niedersachsen Land, GermanyOct 1966   sand     Cuxhaven-Duhnen. sand flat in salt meadow. Ax P (1971) 208