Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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for Notogynaphallia sexlineata

site collection date depth substrate salin locality kind comments reference
A Araras (Arras), Estado de Minas Gerais (Minas Geraes), Brazil1938 or earlier       default type Araras, Ortschaft im Staate Minas Geraes. Riester A (1938) 85
B Terezopolis (Therezopolis, Teresopolis), State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil1938 or earlier       default type Therezopolis, Sommerfrische im Staate von Rio de Janeiro. Riester A (1938) 87
C Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil1938 or earlier       default type Cascata Imbuhy, Wasserfall im Staate Rio de Janeiro. Riester A (1938) 86