Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Collecting site

Trincomalee, Sri Lanka

latitude: 8.533333    
longitude: 81.25    

Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)
Site Named Here: By name of site (or city, etc.)

Collected here:

Discoplana gigasprior to 1859Trincomalee and Bellingham
Paraplanocera oligoglena1944 or earlier
Callioplana marginata1944 or earlier
Centrostomum punctatum1858 or earlier
Centrostomum ocellatum1858 or earlierTrincomalee, Sri Lanka.
Eurylepta violacea (1)1858 or earlier
Leptoplana alba1855 or earlier
Leptoplana fulva1858 or earlier
Planocera aurea1858 or earliersublittoral, off Palermo.
Planocera thesea1858 or earlier
Prostheceraeus meleagrinus1858 or earlier
Pseudoceros dulcis1858 or earlierTrincomalee, Sri Lanka.
Pseudoceros fuscus1858 or earlierTrincomalee, Sri Lanka.
Pseudoceros purpureus1858 or earlierTrincomalee, Sri Lanka.
Pseudoceros striatus (1)1858 or earlierTrincomalee, Sri Lanka.
Pseudoceros zeylanicus1858 or earlierTrincomalee, Sri Lanka.
Stylochoplana elegans1858 or earlierTrincomalee, Sri Lanka.