Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Collecting site

Puerto Penasco (Punta Penasca), Sonora, Estado de Mexico, Mexico

latitude: 31.3167    
longitude: -113.533302    

Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)
Site Named Here: By name of site (or city, etc.)

Collected here:

Mexistylochus levisDec 1947rockscollected by the MacGinities beneath rocks on rocky point.
Marcusia ernestiDec, 1947collected by MacGinities.
Alloioplana sandiegensisDec, 1947collected by the MacGinities.
Pseudoceros mexicanusDec, 19477 specimens, taken by the MacGinities beneath rocks on a rocky point. "brown flatworm, over two inches in length".
Pseudoceros bajaeDec, 1947taken by the MacGinities under rocks on rocky shore.
Alleena mexicanaDec 1947Taken by the MacGinities at Puerto Penasco.
Marcusia ernestiDec 1947"taken by the MacGinities at Puerto Penasco, Gulf of California,..."