Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Collecting site

San Juan Island, Friday Harbor, Friday Harbor laboratories, Washington, USA

latitude: 48.536942    
longitude: -123.013893    

Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with USGS GNIS data)
Site Named Here: By name of site (or city, etc.)

Collected here:

Parotocelis luteolasummer 1961, 1962; fall 1964intertidalgravel mixed with muddy sandfrom washings of Ulva and Enteromorpha
Ancylocirrus ornatus2000 or earliersubtidalabundant on diatom-coated wood and plastic on floating docks at Friday Harbor Laboratories.
Mecynostomum torquens2000 or earlierintertidalrocksediment washed from Ulva fenestrata and Enteromorpha intestinalis collected in shallow rock pools at tide levels of about 1.5 m above mean low water. Most common in April and May, but found in other times of year.
Ancylocirrus ornatus2000 or earlierintertidalsand, mud, gravelon algal growths in a large outdoor aquarium
Notocelis rubidocula2000 or earlierFrom May to Oct found in sediment washed from Ulva fenestrata collected at low tide levels along shore
Vorticeros praedatorium2000 or earliercollected on floating docks at Friday Harbor Laboratories from algae.
Invenusta paracnidaprior to 1977sandDas material von Invenusta paracnida entstammt sandigen Habitaten der amerikanischen Pazifikküste bei Seattle, Washington (leg. D.F. Whybrew).