Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Collecting site

Charkov (Kharkiv, Charkow, Khar'kov, Kharkow), Ukraine

latitude: 50    
longitude: 36.25    

Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)
Site Named Here: By name of site (or city, etc.)

Collected here:

Stenostomum caudatum1904 or earlierin flowing water between aquatic plants.
Dalyellia kharkowiensis1904 or earliervery frequent in water with sandy soil.
Dalyellia hallezii1913 or earlierlakes.
Opistomum pallidum1913 or earlierlakes and puddles.
Strongylostoma radiatum1913 or earlierponds and lakes.
Castrada lanceola1913 or earlier
Castrada chlorea1913 or earlier
Mesostoma stimulosum1913 or earlier
Mesostoma lingua1913 or earliermud and detritus, of pools, ponds and lakes.
Mesostoma craci1913 or earlier
Mesostoma punctatum1913 or earlier
Bothromesostoma personatum1913 or earlier
Dugesia lugubris1923 or earlier....westlicher Teil von Russland (Umgebung von Leningrad, Novgorod, Kaluga, Charkov, Odessa), jedoch nicht östlich von der Wolga.
Dendrocoelum lacteum1923 or earlierCharkov.
Opistomum pallidum1924 or earlierCharkov
Castrada lanceola1924 or earlierRussland: Charkov;
Strongylostoma radiatum1924 or earlier
Rhynchomesostoma rostratum1903 or earlier
Mesostoma ehrenbergii1903 or earlier
Mesostoma productum1903 or earlier
Mesostoma lingua1903 or earlier
Mesostoma craci1924 or earlier
Mesostoma punctatum1903 or earlier
Microdalyellia kharkowiensis1904 or earlierCharkov, zeimlich häufig an sandigen Ufern
Dalyellia viridis1903 or earlierCharkov, kleine, mit Schneewasser gefüllte Gruben am Fl. Ude
Gieysztoria cuspidata1903 or earlierCharkov, Fl. Udy
Castrella truncata1903 or earlierCharkov u. nördl. Donets