Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Collecting site

Big Stone Creek, Emmet County, Michigan, USA
Wilderness State Park
latitude: 45.739601    
longitude: -84.897102    

Precision of location: Gauged from chart or map
Site Named Here: By name of island, bay, strait, lake, river, or stream, etc., named in source publication

Collected here:

Curtisia foremaniJun 29, 1940One cocoon. Water clear, current mostly sluggish, but in some places rapid; bottom, mud and stones.
Curtisia foremaniJul 3, 1940Many mature and immature specimens and numerous cocoons collected under stones. Water temp 17.7 degrees C. Water clear, current mostly sluggish, but in some places rapid; bottom, mud and stones.
Procotyla fluviatilisJul 3, 1940about twenty-five specimens of P. fluviatus of different sizes (3-15 mm), two of them with sex organs; also many specimens of Curtisia foremani. Water clear, current mostly sluggish, but in some places rapid; bottom, mud and stones.