Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Collecting site

Germany (Deutschland)
Point to represent terrestrial and freshwater locations in Germany. Coordinates for Germany are: 5.68 W & 46.86 N; 15.68 W & 55.41 N
latitude: 52.5    
longitude: 13.4    

Precision of location: Gauged from chart or map
Site Named Here: By name of sea, gulf, or country named in source publication

Collected here:

Macrostomum viride (1)1913 or earlierfound in the Germany (Riesengebirgsseen 1168 m altitude).
Macrostomum tuba1913 or earlier
Prorhynchus stagnalis1913 or earlier(auch Riessengebirgsseen at 1168 m altitude)
Prorhynchus sphyrocephalus1913 or earlier
Dalyellia cuspidata1913 or earlier30-40 mpools and lakes.
Dalyellia hallezii1913 or earlierpools.
Dalyellia armigera1913 or earliervery active, swimming near the surface in standing water and flowing water, mud soils.
Dalyellia viridis1913 or earlier
Dalyellia scoparia1913 or earlierstanding water
Castrella truncata1913 or earlierubiquitous, very active, prefers swimming at the surface of cold and warm, standing and flowing water.
Phaenocora unipunctata1913 or earlier
Opistomum pallidum1913 or earlierlakes and puddles. Middle and northern Germany.
Olisthanella splendida1913 or earlierpuddles and lakes. Probably pelagic.
Strongylostoma radiatum1913 or earlierponds and lakes.
Rhynchomesostoma rostratum1913 or earlier
Mesostoma lingua1913 or earliermud and detritus, of pools, ponds and lakes.
Mesostoma craci1913 or earlier
Mesostoma tetragonum1913 or earlier
Bothromesostoma essenii1913 or earliernorth Germany.
Plagiostomum lemani1913 or earliermudalpine lakes
Planaria torva1961 or earlierDeutschland, weit verbreitet (viele Autoren).....
Mesostoma tetragonum1904 or earlierKönigsberg (Braun coll., Luther 1904)
Mesostoma rhynchotum1942 or earlier
Rhynchodemus sylvaticus1981 or earlierfound in various localities in Germany, Austria and Belgium.
Castradella triacetabula1982 or earlier