Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Collecting site

Uvala Valdebora (Valdibora, Zaliv Bora), Croatia

latitude: 45.099998    
longitude: 13.65    

Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)
Site Named Here: By name of island, bay, strait, lake, river, or stream, etc., named in source publication

Collected here:

Amphiscolops zeii1956 or earlier18 mdetritus mixed mud bottom
Childia submaculatum1956 or earlier6-50 m
Nemertoderma sp.1956 or earliermuduniversally in mud, sometimes with shell, sand and detritus. Långholm and Grötö.
Haploposthia rubra1956 or earlier30 mmud with detritus
Haploposthia pellucidus1956 or earlier18 m
Paraproporus rubescens1956 or earlier16-20 m
Childia groenlandica1953 or earlier20 mmud and sand with detritusmiddle.
Childia groenlandica1953 or earlier18 mmud and sand with detritusStationsnähe.
Diopisthoporus longitubus1953 or earlier15-30 m
Anaperus rubellus1956 or earlier
Mecynostomum minimum1956 or earlierup to 25 m
Mecynostomum sizilianum1956 or earlier19 m
Childia trianguliferum1956 or earlier10-40 mand Långholm.
Convoluta viridipunctata1956 or earlier19-31 m
Otocelis rubropunctata1956 or earlier
Vejdovskya suecica1956 or earlier20-40 mmud, sand, detritus
Trisaccopharynx armatus1956 or earlier20-40 msand, detritus loam
Rogneda westbladi1956 or earlier4-40 mmud loam
Placorhynchus octaculeatus1956 or earlier18 mmud
Monotoplana diorchis1956 or earlier18- 150 mmud, clay (Schlammböden)
Childia groenlandica1956 or earlier
Myozonaria bistyliferaApr 19653-4 mdetritus rich coarse sandcommon in the Mediterranean. west coast near Rovinj, near quay wall, large blocks with algae, and coarse sand.
Myozonaria bistyliferaAug 19673-4 mdetritus rich coarse sandcommon in the Mediterranean. west coast near Rovinj, near quay wall, large blocks with algae, and coarse sand.