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Bassin d'Arcachon (Arcachon Bay) , near Certes, Aquitaine, France
latitude: 44.6833
longitude: -1.0167
Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)
Site Named Here: By name of site (or city, etc.)
Paraxenetes quadrispinosus | Sep 1954 | mud | black brown mud with Zostera nana. 1 specimen. | |
Perixenetes karlingi | Sep 1954 | brown black mud | in close association with Zostera nana. 2 specimens. | |
Psammomacrostomum equicaudum | prior to 1966 | sand, gravel | estuary (Ästuars) area of the Bay of Arcachon. | |
Macrostomum balticum | Sep 1964 | Reservoirs a Poissons am Ostufer bei Certes Regelmässig in Polstern von Cyanobakterien auf Schlickboden. Salzgehalt 32.8 o/oo. | ||
Promesostoma caligulatum | 1954, 1964 | Schlick | Bucht von Arcachon. Sandstrand (Prallhang) bei Biologischer Station. Certes (Reservoirs a Poisons): Schlick. |