Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Collecting site

L'viv (Lwow, Lvyv, Leopol, Lemberg, L'vov), Ukraine

latitude: 49.833302    
longitude: 24    

Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)
Site Named Here: By name of site (or city, etc.)

Collected here:

Macrostomum obtusum1915 or earlier
Macrostomum tubaprior to 1915
Dalyellia paucispinosa1927 or earlier
Typhloplanella halleziana1915 or earlierLwow.
Castrada sphagnetorum1915 or earlierPolen: Lwow
Strongylostoma radiatum1939 or earlier
Mesostoma productum1939 or earlier
Mesostoma craci1915 or earlier
Macrostomum orthostylum1939 or earlierPolen, Lwow (Lemberg) Grodka, Teich bei Drosdowice (Fulinski, Gieysztor)..
Microdalyellia picta1939 or earlier
Dalyellia viridis1915 or earlierLwow, Wiesentümpel am Fl. Luznice
Dalyellia penicilla1927 and earlier
Castrella truncata1915 or earlier