Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Collecting site

Onagawa-wan (Onnagawa, Onaga), Japan

latitude: 38.424999    
longitude: 141.5    

Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)
Site Named Here: By name of island, bay, strait, lake, river, or stream, etc., named in source publication

Collected here:

Plehnia pacificaJul 19, 193528 msingle Craspedommatous polyclad brought up by dredger off west coast of Tako-sima near Onagawa.
Notoplana liberaAug 14, 1935Two specimens of this new species were collected at Takenoura.
Notoplana sophiaNov 25, 1936two examples which were found on the wooden floats of a gill-net at Konorihama.
Notoplana humilis1935-1937very common on a sandy beach in the vicinity of the Institute [Onagawa Oceano-chemical Institute of the Tohoku Imperial University from Onagawa Bay]
Pseudostylochus nationalisJun 25, 1938a single specimen at Konorihama.
Pseudostylochus obscurusJul 16, 1935several specimens at Konorihama and Isihama.
Pseudostylochus takeshitaiJun 25, 1938three specimens collected under stones at Konorihama.
Pseudostylochus ainoJul 18, 19358.4 mtwo were dredged from a depth of 8.4 m at Mamakohama.
Pseudostylochus edurusJun 25, 1938under a stone at Konorihama.
Pseudoceros sagamianusOct 16, 1935on a submerged slate at Konorihama.
Prosthiostomum bellumJul 31, 1935three individuals collected at Mamakohama.
Pseudoceros sagamianus1944 or earlier
Prosthiostomum bellum1944 or earlierMamakohama near Onagawa, Rikuzen. A single specimen.