Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Collecting site

Playa Ramirez, Departemento de Montevideo, Uruguay
Beach with numerous holes of invertebrates
latitude: -34.916248     34°54'58.5"S
longitude: -56.169918     56°10'11.7"W

Precision of location: Listed in reference
Site Named Here: Exact location from reference

Collected here:

Oneppus lacusAug 12, 2004eulittoralsandrelatively coarse sand with a large amount of fine fraction
Oneppus lacusAug 12, 2004eulittoralsandfine sand with a large amount of detritus from a tidal pool
Cheliplana triductibusAug 12, 2004littoralsandrather coarse sand from a sheltered area with a large amount of fine fraction