Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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site collection date depth substrate salin locality kind comments reference
A Eyjafjordur (Eyjafjördur), Iceland,prior to 1975 5-10 m mud     Geographic information from the material in the Swedish Museum of Natural History. Dorjes J, Karling TG (1975) 177
B southern Juister Bay (Balje), Juist Island, GermanyApr 1963   mud       Dorjes J (1968) 298; see also biogeographic summary on this and other German Bay species in Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- 78-115.
C southern Juister Bay (Balje), Juist Island, GermanyApr 1963   mud, sand       Dorjes J (1968) 298; see also biogeographic summary on this and other German Bay species in Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- 78-115.
D north east wall (Nordostmauer), Helgoland Island, GermanyAug 1963   fine sand     medium sand Dorjes J (1968) 298; see also biogeographic summary on this and other German Bay species in Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- 78-115.
E Hornum (Hörnum, Hoernum), Sylt Island, GermanyOct 1962   coarse sandy beach bank       Dorjes J (1968) 298; see also biogeographic summary on this and other German Bay species in Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- 78-115.
F Sylt Island (North Frisian Islands), North Sea1972-1975         semi-exposed beach slope, clean sand flat Faubel A (1977) 68-69, Table 1
G Sylt Island (North Frisian Islands), North Sea1972-1975         sheltered beach slope, sand mud flat Faubel A (1977) 68-69, Table 1
H Sylt Island (North Frisian Islands), North Sea1972-1975         sand mud flat Faubel A (1977) 68-69, Table 1
I Sylt Island (North Frisian Islands), North Sea1972-1975         sand mud eel grass area Faubel A (1977) 68-69, Table 1
J Sylt Island (North Frisian Islands), North Sea1972-1975         mud flat Faubel A (1977) 68-69, Table 1
K Sylt Island (North Frisian Islands), North Sea1972-1975         mud flat, sheltered beach slope Faubel A (1977) 68-69, Table 1
L Wattenmeerstation, List, Sylt Island, Germany, North SeaOct 1962   medium sand       Dorjes J (1968) 298; see also biogeographic summary on this and other German Bay species in Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- 78-115.
M west beach, Koenigs Bay (Koenigshafens, Konigshafen, Königshafen), Sylt Island, Germany, North SeaOct 1962   mud       Dorjes J (1968) 298; see also biogeographic summary on this and other German Bay species in Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- 78-115.
N south beach, Koenigs Bay (Koenigshafens, Konigshafen, Königshafen), Sylt Island, Germany, North SeaOct 1962   mud, sand       Dorjes J (1968) 298; see also biogeographic summary on this and other German Bay species in Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- 78-115.
O Koenigs Bay (Koenigshafens, Konigshafen, Königshafen), Sylt Island, Germany, North SeaNov 1982 - Jun 1983   mud     inner part Königshafen, a sheltered marine bay near the isle of Sylt. Dittmann S, Reise K (1985) 99-100
P Lister Hook (Lister Haken, Hakens), Sylt Island, Germany, North SeaOct 1962   mud, sand       Dorjes J (1968) 298; see also biogeographic summary on this and other German Bay species in Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- 78-115.
Q Breakwater south of List, Sylt IslandOct 1962   sand     medium sand Dorjes J (1968) 298; see also biogeographic summary on this and other German Bay species in Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- 78-115.
R Sandy beach on eastern shore of Sylt. Litoralstation (old littoral station), Biological Institute Helgoland, Biologische Anstalt Helgoland (BAH), List, SyltMay-November 1972 eulittoral, littoral sandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areas     Sand beach slope and wadden areas, few specimens Faubel A (1974) 3, 28
S Sandy beach on eastern shore of Sylt. Litoralstation (old littoral station), Biological Institute Helgoland, Biologische Anstalt Helgoland (BAH), List, Sylt  eulittoral, littoral sandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areas     eulittoral in front of the old littoral station. date collected not specified. Ehlers U (1992) 299
T between Sylt and Romo (Römö), north of Ellenbogen, Sylt Island, Germany, North SeaApr-Sep 1982 10-20 m medium-coarse sand     sublittoral sample, north of the island of Sylt, between Römö and Sylt. Wehrenberg C, Reise K (1985) 168-170
U between Sylt and Romo (Römö), north of Ellenbogen, Sylt Island, Germany, North SeaApr-Sep 1983 10-20 m medium-coarse sand     sublittoral sample, north of the island of Sylt, between Römö and Sylt. Wehrenberg C, Reise K (1985) 168-170
V Romo (Roem, Rom, Römö, Rømø) Island, (North Frisian Islands), Denmark, North Sea1972-1975   mud, sand     semi-exposed beach slope Faubel A (1977) 68-69, Table 1
W Romo (Roem, Rom, Römö, Rømø) Island, (North Frisian Islands), Denmark, North Sea1972-1975   mud, sand     sheltered beach slope, sand mud flat Faubel A (1977) 68-69, Table 1
X Oslofjord, Drobak (Dröbak) (Sandspollen), Norway1940         especially common in detritus bottom of shallow bays. Westblad E (1945) 54
Y Gullmarfjord, by Bay of Kristineberg, Sweden1942 shallow mud     especially common in detritus bottom of shallow bays. Westblad E (1945) 54
Z Bay of Fiskebackskil (Fiskebäckskil), western Sweden1942         especially common in detritus bottom of shallow bays. Westblad E (1945) 54
A1 Vikarskär (Vikarskar, Vikarskären, Storlandet), Finlandprior to 1960         between Jovskär and Vikarskär, 60 cm deep. (Papi) Luther A (1960) 14
B1 entry Finnish Bay (Finnischen Meerbusen), Kiipsaare Nukk, Saaremaa, Estoniaprior to 1960 0.5 m sand, Gyttja sand     Nammsholmssundet, east Einfahrt (entry). Luther A (1960) 14
C1 Tvarminne (Tvärminne, Tverminne, Tvaerminne), Kvarnskar (Kvärnskar), Finnish Bay, Finlandprior to 1960 1 m gyttja (A nutrient-rich sedimentary peat consisting mainly of plankton, other plant and animal residues, and mud)     North Tvarminne. Vegetation zone: Krogarviken (?) among Myriophyllum, etc. Luther A (1960) 14
D1 Tvarminne (Tvärminne, Tverminne, Tvaerminne), Kvarnskar (Kvärnskar), Finnish Bay, Finlandprior to 1960 0.5 m sand     near the wastewater discharge of the biological station. Luther A (1960) 14