Overlapping markers can be separated by clicking on them.
Hovering the cursor over a marker will show the site's name.
Clicking on a marker will show information available about the collection site. (Compare with corresponding letter in table.)
Scroll through list of sites as necessary. | site | collection date | depth | substrate | salin | locality kind | comments | reference |
A | Ria de Arosa, in front of La Lanzada Beach, Spain | 1997-1999 | Brackish (poly) | Noreña C, Damborenea C, Faubel A & Brusa F (2007) 1992, 1994 | ||||
B | North Sea (Nordsee) | 1960 or earlier | salt meadow soils. | Ax P (1960) ; from Luther 1962 (citation)- p. 44 | ||||
C | Netherlands (Holland, Niederlande) | 1974 or earlier | Niederlande. Salzwiesen, Schlickwatt, Sandwatt; im Euhalinicum und Polyhalinicum. | den Hartog C (1974) and Hartog 1977 (citation); from Ax 2008 (citation)- 306 | ||||
D | Hornum-Ost (Hörnum, Hoernum), Sylt Island, Germany | Mar 1983 | mud | Hörnum, Nehrungshaken und Lagune. Spartina auf Schlick bis Kleie, -20 bis + 20 cm, 30 x 2 cm2. | Hellwig M (1987) 175 | |||
E | Hornum-Ost (Hörnum, Hoernum), Sylt Island, Germany | 1982-1983 | sand | brackish | supralitoral salt marsh. AR und SNR mit wechselnder Menge an eingewehtem Dünensand; bis 80 cm über MHWL. | Armonies W (1987) 97 | ||
F | Hornum-Ost (Hörnum, Hoernum), Sylt Island, Germany | Mar 1983 | mud | Hörnum, Nehrungshaken und Lagune at the eulittoral-supralittoral transition belt of the lentic tidal coast. Spartina auf Schlick bis Kleie. | Hellwig M (1987) 175 | |||
G | Nielönn, north of Kampen, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea | Jul 1983 | medium sand | "Nielönn" bei Kampen. | Hellwig M (1987) 175 | |||
H | Nielönn, north of Kampen, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea | Jul 1982 | mud | "Nielönn" bei Kampen. Mündungsbereich zweier Priele, schlickig-schlammiger Boden, (5 bis 10 cm Wasserstand, 26-32 o/oo Salz), je 10 x 2 cm2. | Hellwig M (1987) 175 | |||
I | Nielönn, north of Kampen, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea | 1982-1983 | salt meadow. very frequent. | Armonies W (1987) 97 | ||||
J | Grosse Gröning, near List, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea | 1982-1983 | salt meadow. | Armonies W (1987) 97 | ||||
K | Morsum-Odde, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea | Sep 1982 | mud | Morsum-Odde. Grüppelfeld, Schlick, z. T. stark verdichtet. Gräben mit wenig Salicornia und Acker mit Salicornia und Spartina, je 10 x 2 cm2. | Hellwig M (1987) 175 | |||
L | Morsum-Odde, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea | Aug 1981 | mud | Morsum-Odde. schlickiges Anlandungsgebeit (-10 bis +20 cm) mit dichter Mischvegetation (Puccinellia, Salicornia, Spartina), 4 x 10 cm2. | Hellwig M (1987) 175 | |||
M | Morsum-Odde, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea | 1982-1983 | mud | brackish | supralitoral salt marsh. Anlandungsgebiet mit schlickigem Boden. Mischvegetation aus Puccinellia martima, Spartina anglica and Salicornia spp. Durch eine "Landgewinnungsmassnahme" im Winter 1981/82 zerstört. | Armonies W (1987) 97 | ||
N | Meldorfer Bucht (Dithmarscher Bucht), Schleswig-Holstein, Germany | 1960 or earlier | Meldorfer Bucht, Nordstrand. Andelrasen. | Ax P (1960) from Ax 2008 (citation)- 306 | ||||
O | Swedish Kristineberg Marine Zoological Station, Fiskebäckskil, Sweden | Jul 22, 1946 | Sand, detritus | Umgebung der Zoologischen Station Kristineberg, Fiskelbäckskil: Innerer Teil des Gullmaren, einige dm tief, (E. Westblad). | Luther A (1948) 50 | |||
P | Swedish Kristineberg Marine Zoological Station, Fiskebäckskil, Sweden | Aug 1, 1946 | Sand, detritus | Umgebung der Zoologischen Station Kristineberg, Fiskelbäckskil: Innerer Teil des Gullmaren, einige dm tief, (E. Westblad). | Luther A (1948) 50 | |||
Q | Swedish west coast, Lunnevik, near Kristineberg, Sweden | Jul 17, 1932 | Grey Firm Detritus | default type | Westblad found this species in 10 cm deep in the detritus bottom near the bridge of Lunnevik on the Swedish west coast near Kristineberg. | Luther A (1943) 81 | ||
R | Langskar (Långskär), Finish Gulf, Finland | Jul 29, 1947 | 8-12 m | Gyttja | in einer mit KARLINGs Bodenhobel nördlich von der Landungsbrücke von Långskär auf Gyttjabonden, Tiefe genommenen Probe. | Luther A (1962) 44, and Luther 1948 (citation)- p. 50 | ||
S | Tvärminne (Tvarminne), Finnish Bay, Finland | Sep 5, 1936 | A sketch from Karling convinces Luther that Karling found this species. | Luther A (1943) 81; Luther 1962 (citation) , Karling 1974 (citation) and Ax 2008 (citation)- p. 307 |