Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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site collection date depth substrate salin locality kind comments reference
A Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, USAJul 1927         collected by Cahn. Hyman LH (1939) 433
B Île Medere (Ilha da Madeira), Madeira, Portugal1957         terrestrial. Beauchamp Pde (1958) abstract
C Ireland (Irland)1944 and earlier         It is widely distributed in Britain and Ireland under logs, stones, decaying wood, etc. lying in dark shady places Waterston AR (1935) and Pantin 1944 (citation); from Ball and Reynoldson 1981 (citation)- p. 112
D Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom1905 or earlier           Evans W (1905) abstract
E Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales)1944 and earlier         It is widely distributed in Britain and Ireland under logs, stones, decaying wood, etc. lying in dark shady places Waterston AR (1935) and Pantin 1944 (citation); from Ball and Reynoldson 1981 (citation)- p. 112
F Yorkshire, United Kingdom2008 or earlier         found in a garden Jones HD, Webster BL, Littlewood DTJ, McDonald JC (2008) from Abstract of article
G Cambridge, United Kingdom1890 or earlier           Harmer SF (1890) abstract
H San Cugat del Vallés, SpainFeb 13, 1997         "Font Groga" at Massis de Collserola (San Cugat del Vallés, Barcelona, Spain). Coordinates UTM 31TDF2687. Mateos E, Giribet G, Carranza S (1998) 272
I San Cugat del Vallés, SpainFeb 19, 1997         "Font Groga" at Massis de Collserola (San Cugat del Vallés, Barcelona, Spain). Coordinates UTM 31TDF2687. Mateos E, Giribet G, Carranza S (1998) 272
J San Cugat del Vallés, SpainJun 5, 1996         "Font Groga" at Massis de Collserola (San Cugat del Vallés, Barcelona, Spain). Coordinates UTM 31TDF2687. Mateos E, Giribet G, Carranza S (1998) 272
K San Cugat del Vallés, SpainJun 11, 1996         "Font Groga" at Massis de Collserola (San Cugat del Vallés, Barcelona, Spain). Coordinates UTM 31TDF2687. Mateos E, Giribet G, Carranza S (1998) 272
L San Cugat del Vallés, SpainFeb 12, 1997         "Font Groga" at Massis de Collserola (San Cugat del Vallés, Barcelona, Spain). Coordinates UTM 31TDF2687. Mateos E, Giribet G, Carranza S (1998) 272
M Belgium1940 or earlier         terrestrial. Adam W, Leloup E (1940) abstract
N Netherlands (Holland)1962 or earlier           den Hartog C (1962)
O Jura (Le Jura) Mountains, France and Switzerland1977 or earlier       default type   Minelli A (1977)
P Botanical Garden, Giessen, Germany1865 or earlier         Unter diesem Namen will ich eine in Giessen vorkommende Landplanarie beschreiben. Ich habe eine Anzahl von Exemplaren dieses Thieres im Treibhause des hiesigen botanischen Gartens auf Blumentöpfen und auf der in diesen enthaltenen Erde gefunden. Metschnikoff E (1865) 28
Q Isola di Gorgona, ItalyMar 31, 1974         Isola di Gorgona, Cala Scirocco, G. Giusti leg., 4 esemplare. Minelli A (1976) 95
R Czech (Cechy, Chekhiya, Chekhiya, Czechy, Czechia, Boemia, Böhemia, Boheme, Boemia, Bohemia) Republic1893 or earlier           Pisarovic K, Babor J (1893)
S central Europe1977 and earlier         is said to be widely distributed in Europe, including some Mediterranean Islands. Sluys R (1988) Gislen 1944 (citation) and Minelli 1977 (citation); from Ball and Reynoldson 1981 (citation)- p. 112
T Steiermark (Styria, Styrie), Austria1935 or earlier       default type from forest moss, west Steiermak, at 1000 m altitude. Freisling J (1935) 5-6
U Trebevic, Bosnia and HerzegovinaOct 4, 1901           Bendl WE (1909) 56
V old Yugoslavia (Jugoslavia)1934 or earlier           Beauchamp Pde (1934) abstract
W Macedonia1934 or earlier           Beauchamp Pde (1934) abstract