Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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site collection date depth substrate salin locality kind comments reference
A Lake King William, Tasmania, Australia1981         Stream into Lake King William Grant LJ, Sluys R, Blair D (2006) 461
B Meadowbank Lake, Tasmania, Australia1981           Grant LJ, Sluys R, Blair D (2006) 461
C Arthur Lakes (Arthurs Lake), Tasmania, Australia1979 or earlier     freshwater default type type material collected from Arthurs Lake, Tasmania. Ball IR, Tran TVH (1979) ; from Sluys & Kawakatsu 2001 (citation)- p. 179
D Lake Sorell, Tasmania, AustraliaJan 27, 1981           Grant LJ, Sluys R, Blair D (2006) 461
E Lake Crescent, Tasmania, Australia1981         Outflow from Lake Crescent. Grant LJ, Sluys R, Blair D (2006) 461
F Mount Wellington, Tasmania, AustraliaAug 17, 1978     freshwater   Mt. Wellington, Hobart, Tasmania. Sluys R, Kawakatsu M (2001) 176