Turbellarian taxonomic database


Searches can be binomial and to partial names (e.g., for "Mac hys")
[Red-highlighted taxa are synonyms; click '(syn)' links to see the valid taxa.]
[Green-highlighted taxa are otherwise ill-defined or of uncertain position]
[spp links will show a simplified listing of valid species grouped by family]
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Bilateria (Main hierarchy)
Nephrozoa       Jondelius, Ruiz-Trillo, Baguna, & Riutort, 2002
Platyhelminthes       Minot, 1876
Rhabditophora       Ehlers, 1985
Trepaxonemata       Ehlers, 1984
Euneoophora       Laumer & Giribet, 2014
Acentrosomata       Egger, Lapraz, Tomiczek, et al., 2015
Adiaphanida       Noren & Jondelius, 2002
Tricladida       Lang, 1884
Continenticola       Carranza, Littlewood, Clough, Ruiz-Trillo, Baguna, & Riutort, 1998
Geoplanoidea       Stimpson, 1857
Geoplanidae       Stimpson, 1857

Geoplanidae Stimpson, 1857 (4 subtax.) 993 spp   1 images      synonyms diagnosis   card avail. literature     wrms
Bipaliinae Stimpson, 1857 (6 subtax.)                   card avail. literature     wrms
Geoplaninae Stimpson, 1857 (10 subtax.)                     literature     wrms
Microplaninae Pantin, 1953 (8 subtax.)                   card avail. literature     wrms
Rhynchodeminae Graff, 1896 (6 subtax.)             synonyms     card avail. literature     wrms

Caenoplaninae Ogren & Kawakatsu, 1991               (syn)       literature     wrms
Desmorhynchinae Heinzel, 1929     suppressed                 literature     wrms
Eudoxiatopoplaninae Winsor, 2009               (syn)       literature     wrms
Pelmatoplaninae Ogren & Kawakatsu, 1991               (syn)       literature     wrms