author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Blainville D de | 1826-1830 | abs. spp. |
Dictionnaire des Sciences naturelles. Art. Planaire in Tom. 41. Paris 1826. p. 204-218. Art. Vers in Tom. 57. Paris 1828. p 530, 577-579. Planches, 2 partie: Règne organisé, Zoologie, Vers et Zoophytes. Paris 1816 to 1830. tab 40. | 18266 235933 | |||
other taxonomic work: | Faubel A | 1983 | abs. spp. |
The Polycladida, Turbellaria; Proposal and establishment of a new system. Part I. The Acotylea. | Mitt Hamb Zool Mus Inst 80:17-121 | 2968 | 1190 216639 | |
latest authority: | Bahia J, Padula V, Schroedl M | 2017 | abs. spp. |
Polycladida phylogeny and evolution: integrating evidence from 28S rDNA and morphology. | Organisms Diversity & Evolution 17(3): 653-678 [doi: 10.1007/s13127-017-0327-5 goto] | 674 | 9000 | 22749 290745 |
author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | ||
Ehrenberg CG | 1831 | Phytozoa Turbellaria africana et asiatica. In: Hemprich und Ehrenberg "Symbolae physicae." Animalia evertebrata exclusis insectis recensuit Dr. CG Ehrenberg. Series prima cum tabularum decade prima. | Berolini, Fol. Phytozoa Turbellaria folia a-d,T4-5 [plates 4, 5 published in 1828] [ goto] | 54 | 0 | 16658 235917 | |
Schmarda LK | 1859 | Neue wirbellose Thiere beobachtet und gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Erde 1853 bis 1857. Bd I: Turbellarien, Rotatorien und Anneliden. | W. Engelmann, Leipzig. 1. Halfte, 66 pp, tab 1-8 [ goto] | 9000 | 17512 51748 | ||
Palombi A | 1936 | Policladi liberi e commensali raccolti sulle coste del Sud Africa, della Florida e del Golfe di Napoli. | Archivio Zoologico Italiano [Torino] 23:1-45, t. 1. | 0 | 10654 235946 |
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