author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Artois TJ, Schockaert ER | 2001 | abs. spp. |
Interstitial fauna of the Galapagos: Duplacrorhynchinae, Macrorhynchinae, Polycystidinae, Gyratricinae (Platyhelminthes Polycystididae). | Tropical Zool 14:63-85 | 7116 | 17323 1714 |
Literature with distribution data:
Artois TJ, Schockaert ER | 2001 | abs. spp. |
Interstitial fauna of the Galapagos: Duplacrorhynchinae, Macrorhynchinae, Polycystidinae, Gyratricinae (Platyhelminthes Polycystididae). | Tropical Zool 14:63-85 | 7116 | 17323 1714 |
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