Turbellarian taxonomic database


[Return to listing: Torgea phukettensis Noren & Jondelius, 2004]

Torgea phukettensis Noren & Jondelius, 2004

authordateabstr.titlejournal / publicationpages
other taxonomic work:Noren M2004  
Four new Plagiostomidae (Prolecithophora, Platyhelminthes) from Phuket, Thailand, with a re-evaluation of Torgeidae Jondelius, 1997, and Paramultipeniata Kulinich, 1974.Phuket Mar Biol Centre Bull 65:9-22727118150
Primary authority:
Noren M, Jondelius U2004 abs.
Four new Plagiostomidae (Prolecithophora, Platyhelminthes) from Phuket, Thailand.Phuket Marine Biological Center Research Bulletin 65: 2900020750
other taxonomic work:Noren M2004 abs.
Four new Plagiostomidae (Prolecithophora, Platyhelminthes) from Phuket, Thailand, with a re-evaluation of Torgeidae Jondelius, 1997, and Paramultipeniata Kulinich, 1974.Phuket Marine Biological Center Research Bulletin 65:9-2220818

Literature with distribution data:

Noren M2004  
Four new Plagiostomidae (Prolecithophora, Platyhelminthes) from Phuket, Thailand, with a re-evaluation of Torgeidae Jondelius, 1997, and Paramultipeniata Kulinich, 1974.Phuket Mar Biol Centre Bull 65:9-22727118150

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