Turbellarian taxonomic database


[Return to listing: Prognathorhynchus sinensis Wang & Lin, 2017]

Prognathorhynchus sinensis Wang & Lin, 2017

authordateabstr.titlejournal / publicationpages
Primary authority:
Lin Y-T, Feng WT, Zhuang, J-Y, Zhang Y, Wang AT2017 abs.
Two new species of Kalyptorhynchia (Koinocystididae and Gnathorhynchidae) from China.Zootaxa, Vol. 4337(4): 573-583578022748

Literature with distribution data:

Lin Y-T, Feng WT, Zhuang, J-Y, Zhang Y, Wang AT2017 abs.
Two new species of Kalyptorhynchia (Koinocystididae and Gnathorhynchidae) from China.Zootaxa, Vol. 4337(4): 573-583022748

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