Turbellarian taxonomic database


[Return to listing: Pseudocerotidae Eolidiceros Quatrefage, 1845]

Pseudocerotidae Eolidiceros Quatrefage, 1845

authordateabstr.titlejournal / publicationpages
Primary authority:
Quatrefages A de1845index card avail.
Études sur les types inférieurs de l'embranchement des annelés: mémoire sur quelques planairées marines appartenant aux genres Tricelis (Ehr.), Polycelis (Ehr.), Prosthiostomum (Nob.), Proceros (Nob.), Eolidiceros (Nob.), et Stylochus (Ehr).Annales des Sciences Naturelles, (3) Zool 4: 326 or 129-184017560
latest authority:Faubel A1984  
The Polycladida, Turbellaria; Proposal and establishment of a new system. Part II. The Cotylea.Mitt Hamb Zool Mus Inst 81: 189-259296817550

Pseudocerotidae Thysanozoon

[Other] literature of valid taxon Pseudocerotidae Thysanozoon Grube, 1840

authordateabstr.titlejournal / publicationpages
Grube AE1840index card avail.
Actinien, Echinodermen und Wuermer des adriatischen und Mittelmeers, nach eigenen Sammlungen beschreiben.Koenigsberg, 92 pp17578
Stummer-Traunfels R v1895index card avail.
Tropische Polycladen. I. Das Genus Thysanozoon Grube.Zeitschrift fuer Wissenschaftliche Zoologie, 60: 689-773, t. 35-37.625510898
Bahia J, Padula V, Correia MD, Sovierzoski HH2015 abs. First records of the order Polycladida (Platyhelminthes, Rhabditophora) from reef ecosystems of Alagoas State, north-eastern Brazil, with the description of Thysanozoon alagoensis sp nov.Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, Volume:95 Issue:8: 1653-1666022718

[Other] literature of synonyms (Pseudocerotidae Eolidiceros Pseudocerotidae Planeolis )
None (i.e., none other than those listed above).

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