author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Hyman LH | 1939 | abs. spp. |
Acoel and polyclad Turbellaria from Bermuda and the Sargassum. | Bull Bingham Oceanogr Coll 7:1-26 + 9 pl. [1-36?] | 17 | 6618 | 2913 235669 |
latest authority: | Faubel A | 1984 | spp. |
The Polycladida, Turbellaria; Proposal and establishment of a new system. Part II. The Cotylea. | Mitt Hamb Zool Mus Inst 81: 189-259 | 2968 | 17550 2053 |
[Other] literature of valid taxon Prostheceraeus crozieri (Hyman, 1939)
author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | ||
Newman LJ, Norenburg JL, Reed S | 2000 | Taxonomic and biological observations on the tiger flatworm, Maritigrella crozieri (Hyman, 1939), new combination (Platyhelminthes, Polycladida, Euryleptidae) from Florida waters. | J Natural History 34(6):799-808 | 5741 | 17865 239031 | ||
Bolanos DM, Litvaitis MK | 2009 | Embryonic muscle development in direct and indirect developing marine flatworms (Platyhelminthes, Polycladida). | Evol Develop 11(3):290-301 | 9000 | 21877 | ||
Girstmair J, Zakrzewski A, Lapraz F, Handberg-Thorsager M, Tomancak P, Pitrone PG, Simpson F, Telford MJ | 2016 | abs. | Light-sheet microscopy for everyone? Experience of building an OpenSPIM to study flatworm development. | BMC Developmental Biology, Vol. 16: 22 | 0 | 22693 |
author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | ||
Marcus EvDB-R, Marcus Er | 1968 | Polycladida from Curaçao and faunistically related regions. | Studies on the Fauna of Curaçao and other Caribbean Islands, 26: 1-134 | 73-74, Figs. 75-77 | 6050 | 5072 235862 | |
Newman LJ, Norenburg JL, Reed S | 2000 | Taxonomic and biological observations on the tiger flatworm, Maritigrella crozieri (Hyman, 1939), new combination (Platyhelminthes, Polycladida, Euryleptidae) from Florida waters. | J Natural History 34(6):799-808 | 5741 | 17865 239031 | ||
Rawlinson KA, et al. | 2019 | abs. | Extraocular, rod-like photoreceptors in a flatworm express xenopsin photopigment. | eLife Volume:8 Pages:e45465 Published: Oct 22 2019 | 0 | 22876 |
Literature setting new combination:
Newman LJ, Norenburg JL, Reed S | 2000 | spp. |
Taxonomic and biological observations on the tiger flatworm, Maritigrella crozieri (Hyman, 1939), new combination (Platyhelminthes, Polycladida, Euryleptidae) from Florida waters. | J Natural History 34(6):799-808 | 5741 | 17865 239031 |
Litvaitis MK, Bolaños DM, Quiroga SY | 2019 | spp. |
Systematic congruence in Polycladida (Platyhelminthes, Rhabditophora): are DNA and morphology telling the same story? | Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, zlz007 [doi: goto] | 9000 | 22828 350521 |
Literature with distribution data:
Hyman LH | 1939 | abs. spp. |
Acoel and polyclad Turbellaria from Bermuda and the Sargassum. | Bull Bingham Oceanogr Coll 7:1-26 + 9 pl. [1-36?] | 6618 | 2913 235669 |
Hyman LH | 1952 | abs. spp. |
Further notes of the turbellarian fauna of the Atlantic Coast of the United States. | Biol Bull 103: 195-200 | 6152 | 6848 239413 |
Marcus EvDB-R, Marcus Er | 1968 | spp. |
Polycladida from Curaçao and faunistically related regions. | Studies on the Fauna of Curaçao and other Caribbean Islands, 26: 1-134 | 6050 | 5072 235862 |
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