Turbellarian taxonomic database


[Return to listing: Planaria luteola Delle Chiaje, 1822]

Planaria luteola Delle Chiaje, 1822

authordateabstr.titlejournal / publicationpages
Primary authority:
Delle Chiaje S1822-1829index card avail.
Memorie sulla storia e notomia degli animali senza vertebre dell regno di Napoli. Napoli 1822-1829. [the atlas with 109 pl. appeared 1822; the 4 vols of text appeared as Vol. 1, 1823; Vol. 2, 1825; Vol. 3, 1828; Vol. 4, 1829; pl 70-109 w/o captions]1823 Vol 1: 1-84; 1824 Vol 1: 1-184; 1825-27 Vol 2; 1828 Vol 3; 1830 Vol 4: 1-116; 1831 Vol 4: 117-214. Fratelli Fernand18267
latest authority:Faubel A1984  
The Polycladida, Turbellaria; Proposal and establishment of a new system. Part II. The Cotylea.Mitt Hamb Zool Mus Inst 81: 189-259296817550

[Other] literature of synonyms (Leptoplana lutea Planaria gialliccia (luteola) Planaria lutea Leptoplana lutea Leptoplana luteola )
authordateabstr.titlejournal / publicationpages
Ă–rsted AS1844index card avail.
Entwurf einer systematischen Einteilung und speciellen Beschreibung der Plattwuermer auf microscopische Untersuchungen gegruendet. [I. Fam. Cryptocoela, 2. Fam Dendrocoela, 3. Fam. Rhabdocoela]Mit Holzschnitten und 3 Tafeln. Copenhagen, klein 8:0.,96 p., 3 taf.10646
Verany JB1846 abs. Catalogo degli animali invertebrati del golfo di Genova e Nizza.Genova 1846. 9 pages.18294
Prudhoe S1985   A monograph on polyclad Turbellaria.British Museum (Natural History), Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, 259 p.88889250

Literature with distribution data:

Delle Chiaje S1822-1829index card avail.
Memorie sulla storia e notomia degli animali senza vertebre dell regno di Napoli. Napoli 1822-1829. [the atlas with 109 pl. appeared 1822; the 4 vols of text appeared as Vol. 1, 1823; Vol. 2, 1825; Vol. 3, 1828; Vol. 4, 1829; pl 70-109 w/o captions]1823 Vol 1: 1-84; 1824 Vol 1: 1-184; 1825-27 Vol 2; 1828 Vol 3; 1830 Vol 4: 1-116; 1831 Vol 4: 117-214. Fratelli Fernand18267

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