author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Ax P | 1951 | spp. |
Die Turbellarien des Eulitorals der Kieler Bucht. | Zool Jahrb Abt Syst Oekol Geogr Tiere 80:277-378 | 279, 318-320, 366, 367, 373, fig. 23 | 0 | 7333 1717 |
other taxonomic work: | Ax P | 1954 | abs. spp. |
Die Turbellarienfauna des Küstengrundwassers am Finnischen Meerbusen. | Acta Zool Fenn 81: 1-54 | 7, 33-35, 47, figs. 29-31 | 0 | 7302 1731 |
Ax P | 1956 | spp. |
Das ökologische Verhalten der Turbellarien in Brackwassergebieten. | Proc 14th Int Congr Zool Copenhagen 1953: 462-464 | 463 | 0 | 9705 | |
other taxonomic work: | Luther A | 1962 | spp. |
Die Turbellarien Ostfennoskandiens III. Neorhabdocoela 1. Dalyellioida, Typhloplanoida: Byrsophlebidae und Trigonostomidae. | Fauna Fennica 12:1-71 | 49-50, figs. 19 H-I | 706 | 2675 236415 |
latest authority: | Karling TG | 1974 | spp. |
On the anatomy and affinities of the turbellarian orders. In: Biology of the Turbellaria (eds. NW Riser & MP Morse):1-16. | McGraw-Hill, New York. | 73 | 1621 236152 | |
other taxonomic work: | Karling TG | 1974 | spp. |
Turbellarian fauna of the Baltic proper. Identification, ecology and biogeography. | Fauna Fenn 27:1-101 | 308 | 1824 2223 | |
other taxonomic work: | Ehlers U | 1974 | spp. |
Interstitielle Typhloplanoida (Turbellaria) aus dem Litoral der Nordseeinsel Sylt. | Mikrofauna des Meeres 49:1-102 (427-527) | 29 (453) - 31 (455) , Fig. 11 | 832 | 2645 236566 |
other taxonomic work: | Ax P, Armonies W | 1987 | spp. |
Amphiatlantic identities in the composition of the boreal brackish water community of Plathelminthes. A comparison between the Canadian and European Atlantic coast. | Microfauna Marina 3:7-80 | 41-42, Fig. D, E | 3897 | 8209 237159 |
other taxonomic work: | Ax P, Armonies W | 1990 | spp. |
Brackish water Plathelminthes from Alaska as evidence for the existence of a boreal brackish water communitiy with circumpolar distribution. | Microfauna Marina 6: 7-109. | 0 | 13965 237250 | |
other taxonomic work: | Ax P | 1994 | spp. |
Coronhelmis - Arten (Rhabdocoela, Platyhelminthes) von Grönland, Island und den Färöer. | Microfauna Marina 9:221-237 | 0 | 16174 1732 | |
other taxonomic work: | Ax P | 1995 | spp. |
Brackish-water Plathelminthes from the Faroe Islands. | Hydrobiologia 305:45-47 | 0 | 14490 1761 | |
other taxonomic work: | Willems WR, Artois TJ, Backeljau T, Schockaert ER | 2005 | abs. spp. |
Typhloplanoida (Platyhelminthes, Rhabdocoela) from New Caledonia and eastern Australia, with the description of six new taxa. | New Zealand J Zool 32:79-98 | 7358 | 20356 237434 | |
other taxonomic work: | Ax P | 2008 | spp. |
Plathelminthes aus Brackgewässern der Nordhalbkugel. | Akademie der Wissenschaft und der Literatur Mainz, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 696 pp. | 310-313 | 8888 | 21269 172479 |