author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Karling TG | 1947 | spp. |
Studien ueber Kalyptorhynchien (Turbellaria). I. Die Familien Placorhynchidae und Gnathorhynchidae. | Acta zool fenn 50:1-64 | 6143 | 6782 236359 | |
other taxonomic work: | Ax P, Armonies W | 1987 | spp. |
Amphiatlantic identities in the composition of the boreal brackish water community of Plathelminthes. A comparison between the Canadian and European Atlantic coast. | Microfauna Marina 3:7-80 | 62, Figs. 35 B, 36 E-H | 3897 | 8209 237159 |
other taxonomic work: | Armonies W | 1987 | spp. |
Freilebende Plathelminthes in supralitoralen Salzwiesen der Nordsee: Oekologie einer borealen Brackwasser-Lebensgemeinschaft. | Microfauna mar 3:81-156 | 6034 | 9226 1696 | |
Müller D, Faubel A | 1993 | spp. |
The 'Turbellaria' of the River Elbe Estuary. A faunistic analysis of oligohaline and limnic areas. | Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 75: 363-396 | 7291 | 19020 239416 | ||
latest authority: | Ax P | 2008 | spp. |
Plathelminthes aus Brackgewässern der Nordhalbkugel. | Akademie der Wissenschaft und der Literatur Mainz, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 696 pp. | 495-496 | 8888 | 21269 172479 |
Literature with distribution data:
Karling TG | 1947 | spp. |
Studien ueber Kalyptorhynchien (Turbellaria). I. Die Familien Placorhynchidae und Gnathorhynchidae. | Acta zool fenn 50:1-64 | 6143 | 6782 236359 |
Ax P | 1959 | spp. |
Zur Systematik, Ökologie und Tiergeographie der Turbellarienfauna in den ponto-kaspischen Brackwassergebieten. | Zool Jahrb Abt Syst Oekol Geogr Tiere 87:43-184 | 5665 | 8004 1744 |
Rixen J-U | 1961 | abs. spp. |
Kleinturbellarien aus dem Litoral der Binnengewässer Schleswig-Holsteins. | Arch Hydrobiol 57:464-538 | 6065 | 5602 236095 |
Schilke K | 1970 | spp. |
Kalyptorhynchia (Turbellaria) aus dem Eulitoral der deutschen Nordseeküste. | Helgol Meeresunters 21:143-265. | 6643 | 135 236345 |
Straarup BJ | 1970 | spp. |
On the ecology of turbellarians in a sheltered brackish shallow-water bay. | Ophelia 7:185-216 | 655 | 1855 2715 |
Schilke K | 1970 | abs. spp. |
Zur Morphologie und Phylogenie der Schizorhynchia (Turbellaria, Kalyptorhynchia). | Z Morphol Tiere 67:118-171 | 6644 | 2686 239277 |
Hoxhold S | 1974 | spp. |
Zur Populationsstruktur und Abundanzdynamik interstitieller Kalyptorhynchia (Turbellaria, Neorhabdocoela). | Mikrofauna des Meersbodens 41: 1-134. | 694 | 2651 236580 |
den Hartog C | 1977 | spp. |
Turbellaria from intertidal flats and salt-marshes in the estuaries of the southwestern part of the Netherlands. | Hydrobiologia 52:29-32 | 0 | 5574 239313 |
Dittmann S, Reise K | 1985 | spp. |
Assemblage of free-living Plathelminthes on an intertidal mud flat in the North Sea. | Microfauna Marina 2: 95-115 | 11088 1954 | |
Ax P, Armonies W | 1987 | spp. |
Amphiatlantic identities in the composition of the boreal brackish water community of Plathelminthes. A comparison between the Canadian and European Atlantic coast. | Microfauna Marina 3:7-80 | 3897 | 8209 237159 |
Armonies W | 1987 | spp. |
Freilebende Plathelminthes in supralitoralen Salzwiesen der Nordsee: Oekologie einer borealen Brackwasser-Lebensgemeinschaft. | Microfauna mar 3:81-156 | 6034 | 9226 1696 |
Hellwig M | 1987 | spp. |
Oekologie freilebender Plathelminthen in Grenzraum Watt-Salzwiese lenitischer Gezeitenkuesten. | Microfauna Marina 3:157-244 | 6035 | 11094 2119 |
Schockaert ER, Jouk PEH, Martens PM | 1989 | spp. |
Free-living Plathhelminthes from the Belgian coast and adjacent areas. In: K. Wouters & L. Baert (eds.) | Verhandelingen van het symposium "Invertebraten van België" : 19-25 (KBIN, Brussel). | 9000 | 20749 2587 |
Düren R, Ax P | 1993 | abs. spp. |
Thalassogene Plathelminthen aus Sandstraenden von Elbe und Weser. | Microfauna Marina 8: 267-280 | 0 | 18069 1978 |
Müller D, Faubel A | 1993 | spp. |
The 'Turbellaria' of the River Elbe Estuary. A faunistic analysis of oligohaline and limnic areas. | Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 75: 363-396 | 7291 | 19020 239416 |
Ax P | 2008 | spp. |
Plathelminthes aus Brackgewässern der Nordhalbkugel. | Akademie der Wissenschaft und der Literatur Mainz, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 696 pp. | 8888 | 21269 172479 |
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