Turbellarian taxonomic database

Convoluta confusa Notes

Graff L v 1904 (citation)- description and illustration.  p 225.  Collected in masses on Zostera in Bays of 
	Panajot and Striletzky-Bucht in the Black Sea.  to 1.6 mm - enrolled - soft green - elegant.  
	Zoochlorellae- {often mark dorsal nerve trunks.  Orange yellow pigment spots.  Concrements.}
	Frontal gland, rhabdite packets, statolith eyes, mouth with pharynx as in Convoluta convoluta.
	Female pore at middle of body.- nozzle varies in size and shape.  Male penis elongated like
	Convolua convolua, sperm like Convoluta roscoffensis.  Food Crustacea.
Antonius A 1968 (citation)- lists and p 371 lists with dermal type penis- is ciliated.
Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- lists p 84.

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