Turbellarian taxonomic database

Catenulidae Suomina Notes

Luther A 1907 (citation)- first listed as Lophorhynchus, changed because of priority rule, says genus is based
	on Stenostomum turgidum Zacharias [Typo]- remarks it cannot be in Catenula because of lack of statocyst
	and ciliated groove and no ciliated pits keeps it out of Stenostomum, also has extraordinary development
	of rhabdites.  
		definition: " Catenulida with preoral ciliated groove with very long cilia, without ciliated pits,
			without statocyst, without eyes."
Luther A 1907 (citation)- Lophorhynchus changes to this species because Lophorhynchus is a species of birds.
* check library for this Graff reference:
Graff L v 1909 (citation)- definition of genus, lists 1 species Fuhrmannia turgida, no reference for 
	original description.

Wilhelmi J 1913 (citation)- lists p 11 in Catenulida.
Graff  L v 1913 (citation)- p 17, lists as synonym Stenostomum turgida Zacharias 1902, 
	Lophorhynchus Hällström & Luther in Luther, 1907 and Glyphorhynchus Hällström & Luther in Luther, 1907.	
Ferguson FF, Stirewalt MA, Brown TD, Hayes WJ 1939 (citation)- report from Mountain Lake Biological Station, 
	Southwestern Virginia, USA.	
Marcus E 1945 (citation)- definition of genera "= Fuhrmannia Graff 1908), name Fuhrmannia Parona 1901" name
	Fuhrmannia preoccupied, etc. p 3.
Hyman LH 1951 (citation)- vol 2, p 137 notes this genus with a transverse ciliated groove around base of head.
Luther A 1960 (citation)- lists as synonym of Suomina turgida.
Ruebush TK 1941 (citation)- in key to genera p 66.
Marcus E 1945 (citation)- p 19 definition of genus Suomina nomum novum, for Fuhrmannia Graff 1908 also refers
	to Graff 1913 for Fuhrmannia turgida, see discussion and history and synonomy p 3-4 of Fuhrmannia.
Young JO 1978 (citation)- differs from Catenula and Dasyhormis and Africatenula because of wide protruberal
	ring in prebucal zone.

Notes for the valid (accepted) taxonomic name

Notes for Catenulidae Catenula

Duges A 1832 (citation)- description of Catenula lemnae p 198-204, p 204 Genus Catenula new genus definition,
	Three species: C. lemnae, C. linnaei, C. gesserensis

Leidy J 1850 (citation)- defines new genus and species, Anortha gracilis.	
Diesing KM 1862 (citation)- p 237 definition.
Graff L v 1882 (citation)- lists as Stenostomum gracilis- says it was Anortha gracilis.
Sekera E 1889 (citation)- definition of genus Catenula, p 344.
Luther A 1907 (citation)- "Catenulida with a circular groove which is preoral and with cilia longer than on
	the rest of the body, without ciliated pits, with statocysts, without eyes" [Bush translation]
Graff L v 1909 (citation)- old definition and keys to species for Germany.  Definition p 65.
Graff L v 1911 (citation)- Genus Anortha = Catenula.
Wilhelmi J 1913 (citation)- mentions p 67, 82, 118, lists p 11.
Reisinger E 1924 (citation)- discription p 34 as Duges.
Sekera E 1924 (citation)- on genus Catenula, extensive literature review and discussion.
Ruebush TK 1941 (citation)- in his key p 30.
Marcus E 1945 (citation)- key to certain species of this genus, definition and discussion.  Discusses 
	species not represented in his material.
Marcus E 1945 (citation)- many references to details in this genus.
Hyman LH 1951 (citation)- vol 2, p 93, notes statocyst in the genus; p 137 notes this genus.
Nuttycombe JW 1956 (citation)- gives detailed history of the gens, key to species in Eastern, USA, etc.
	says most common form here - uses Graff's (1913) criteria for the genus which he gives as 
	"cephalic region delimited posteriorly by ciliated pre-orgal groove; anterior region of 
	digestive tract differentiated as a simple pharynx; eye-spots absent; statocyst present in the
	anterior end of each zooid; protonephridial tube mesio-dorsally placed; paired ciliated pits
	Notes Marcus 1945 considers the intestine occupying only middle of zooid important- also one of 
	Marcus' species lacks a statocyst.

Notes for Catenulidae Catenula

Moraczewski J 1981 (citation)- "The fine structure of some Catenulida (Turbellaria Archoophora)."  Species
included in the study were Catenula leptocephala and Catenula lemnae.

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