Turbellarian taxonomic database

Isodiametra divae Notes

Marcus E 1950 (citation)- mentions his new species C. urua is near this.
Marcus E 1952 (citation)- mentions sensory cells in.
Antonius A 1968 (citation)- moved to genus Conaperta.
Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- lists.
Dorjes J, Karling TG 1975 (citation)- Swedish Museum of Natural History. Brazil.

Marcus E 1950 (citation) pg. 103-104: 'Convoluta divae, n. sp. (Fig. 6-7, 21-23) from coarse sand below the
regular low-waterline on the coast of the island of São Sebastião belongs to the species without eyes and
symbiontic algae.  The blue-green colour comes from the endocytium (i) that contains diatoms. The rhabdites
(r) are arranged in rows (Fig. 7). The worms stick to the sand with their caudal glands (d). The frontal organ
(f), the oral glands (k) and the glands (g) of the gonopore (z) are cyanophilous.  The nuclei of the epicytium
(h) are all intraepithelial.  The male copulatory organ (Fig. 23) is similar to that of flavibacillum Jens., a
species with eyes and algae, and lineata (Peebles) that has eyes, pigment-cells, long vagina with a glandular
organ like flavibacillum, and no frontal glands.  The penis-epithelium (x) are lobed as in other secretory
cells. The penis-epithelium produces an erythrophilous secretion (y).  The granular secretion (u) is furnished
by the ental cells (v) of the seminal vesicle (s). The latter, the sac of the penis in Westblad's terminology,
has strong longitudinal muscles (ms), the penis annelar ones (w). The short vagina (q) is ciliated, opens into
the antrum (a) and is well marked off from the bursa (m).  The wall of the latter is very strong, evidently
cuticular. The form of the nozzle varies (Fig. 22) according to its contraction and dilatation.  It must be
elastic.  The penis and the long nozzle separate C. saliens (older terminology) from divae. The penis of
norvegica is retracted into the sac, not introverted, and is directed caudally; the vagina of norvegica is
interwoven with plasmatic strands and the bursa indistinctly separated from it.'

Hooge M.D. & Rocha C.E.F. 2006 (citation) p. 26 - report this species from the coast of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Notes for the valid (accepted) taxonomic name

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