Turbellarian taxonomic database

Phonorhynchoidinae Brachyrhynchus Diagnosis

Polycystididae with a very small proboscis, only about 5–10% of the body length long. Proboscis with three pairs of proboscis retractors and two pairs of integument retractors. Gonads paired. Copulatory organ of the conjuncta-simplex type (prostate vesicle type IV), with a single-walled prostate stylet of type IV. Male system with two accessory glandular organs, each connected to a single-walled accessory stylet. Female system with a female duct of type I, connecting the common genital atrium with the bursa. Common oviduct doubled, each part connecting one of the oviducts to the bursa. Oviducts join each other to form a female duct of type II, which itself joins the uterus to form a ductus utero-communis ending in the common genital atrium. Genital atrium extremely long and narrow, ending in the gonopore, which is situated ventrally, subterminally.

[From Artois T, Willems W, Reygel P, Schockaert E (2013): 128]

Diagnosis for the valid (accepted) taxonomic name

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