Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Eurylepta leoparda Freeman, 1933]

Eurylepta leoparda Freeman, 1933

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Puget Sound, Washington, USA 1657
Aug 5, 1953   shallow sand   one specimen among other polyclads collected by Mrs. D.W. Orihel at Friday Harbor and Woodah Island in Puget Sound. Found on a dredged tunicat. Sexually mature, laid eggs in lab,. Hyman LH (1959): 12
B San Juan Island, San Juan County, Washington, United States 3780
1933 or earlier default type         Freeman D (1933): abstract
C Charleston Marina, Oregon 7750
2014-2015           Kincaid ES, de Rivera CE (2021): abstract

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