Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Cycloporus papillosus (1) Sars, 1878]

(Cycloporus papillosus (1) Sars, 1878) = Cycloporus papillosus

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Floro (Florö, Kinn), Norway 1805
prior to 1878 type locality         Jensen OS (1878): ; from Prudhoe S (citation)- page 138
B Rovigno (Rovigno d'Istria, Rovinj), Croatia 1146
Mar 21, 1925   15 m sand, rock   west of the Port Monsena, Station 84, sampling of A. Vatova. Vàtova A (1928): ; from Steinböck 1933 (citation)- p. 19
C Mitsui Institute of Marine Biology, Susaki near Simoda, Siduoka Prefecture, Japan 4428
1934-1936         numerous specimens identical with the Misaki form of Cycloporus papillosus were found in the summer on compound ascidians between tide-marks. Kato K (1937): 229
D Bergen and environs, Norway 246
1878 or earlier default type       Denne nordiske Repraesentant for Thysanozoon-Slaegten har Sars fundet i to Eksemplarer paa Botryller ved Florøen. Dyre kryber meget langsomt. Jensen OS (1878): 79; and Sars 1878 (citation)- p. 79
E North of Cape Oyambre (Cantabria), Cantabrian coast (North Atlantic) of the Iberian Peninsula, Spain 7342
June 1991   135 m     "One individual from Oyambre Cape, San Vicente de laBarquera (Cantabria) at a depth of 135 m recollected duringthe ‘Fauna Ibe ?rica’ Oceanographic campaign II of the Cantabrian Sea..." Marquina D, Fernández-Álvarez FA, Noreña C (2015):

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