Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Gieysztoria reggae Therriault & Kolasa, 1999]

Gieysztoria reggae Therriault & Kolasa, 1999

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory, Discovery Bay, Jamaica 1528
Jun 1997 default type     2.0-7.0 ppt 'erosional pools formed on the coastal rocks of the Jamaican north shore..', with a varieity of salinities, ranging from freshwater to 80 ppt. Therriault TW, Kolasa J (1999): 371-381
B University of Technology, Lae, Papua New Guinea 1529
Jan 1982 default type     freshwater 'similar specimens' to Gieysztoria reggae collected by one of the authors, from a rain puddle at the University. Therriault TW, Kolasa J (1999): 371-381

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