Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Mesostoma tubiseminale]

Mesostoma tubiseminale

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Camino los Cerezos, Mona Island, Puerto Rico 4683
Mar 1996 type locality     freshwater from large rain pools on the Camino los Cerezos, about 2 km north of junction with Camino del Diablo. Pools are small and ephemeral with alkaline pockets exposed to direct sun. Lives concealed within substrate and rock crevices of pools. Smith DG (1998): 101, 103
B Camino los Cerezos, Mona Island, Puerto Rico 4683
Jul 1996 type locality     freshwater from large rain pools on the Camino los Cerezos, about 2 km north of junction with Camino del Diablo. Pools are small and ephemeral with alkaline pockets exposed to direct sun. Lives concealed within substrate and rock crevices of pools. Smith DG (1998): 101, 103

MAP ALL (2) .

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