Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Geoplana bistriata Hyman, 1962]

(Geoplana bistriata Hyman, 1962) = Gigantea bistriata

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A El Velo, Finca Lerida, Panama 4897
Mar 12, 1959 default type       three specimens were sent by Alan Solem, who colllected one in a forest at 5650 feet at El Velo, Finca Lerida. Hyman LH (1962): 10
B Cerro Punto, Province of Chiriqui, Panama 1505
Mar 8, 1959 default type       three specimens were sent by Alan Solem, who colllected two 1 mile below Cerno Punta, Chiriqui at 5900 feet. Hyman LH (1962): 10

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