Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Geoplana cameliae Fuhrmann, 1914]

(Geoplana cameliae Fuhrmann, 1914) = Gigantea cameliae

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Barro Colorado Island, Panama 1659
1941 or earlier         Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone, Panama. Misidentification. Hyman LH (1941): ; from Ogren & Kawakatsu 1990 (citation)- p. 135
B Titiribí, Colombia 5241
1912 or earlier         Cafetal La Camelia pres Angelopolis and Sabaletas pres Titiribi (alt. 1400-1800 m), Colombia. Fuhrmann O (1914): ; from Ogren & Kawakatsu 1990 (citation)- p. 135
C Angelopolis, Colombia 5242
1912 or earlier         Cafetal La Camelia pres Angelopolis and Sabaletas pres Titiribi (alt. 1400-1800 m), Colombia. Fuhrmann O (1914): ; from Ogren & Kawakatsu 1990 (citation)- p. 135
D La Cafetal Camelia, Colombia 5177
1910 default type       Un grand nombre d'exemplaires de cette espece (20) ont ete recoltes. Ils furent trouves au Cafetal La Camelia pres Angelopolis, et a Sabaletas pres Titiribi (Cordilleres centrales, alt. 1400-1800 m). Fuhrmann O (1914): 756

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