Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Gieysztoria ashokae Van Steenkiste, Van Mulken & Artois, 2012]

Gieysztoria ashokae Van Steenkiste, Van Mulken & Artois, 2012

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Mayem Lake, Bicholim, Goa, India. 5853
December 1 & 15, 2012 type locality   Rich submersed aquatic vegetation Freshwater   Van Steenkiste N, Tessens B, Willems W, Van Mulken E, Artois T (2012): 348
B Parcem Wetlands, Parcem, Pernem, Goa, India 6666
December 6, 2012     Aquatic vegetation Freshwater   Van Steenkiste N, Tessens B, Willems W, Van Mulken E, Artois T (2012): 348
C Carambolim lake, Corlim, Tiswadi, Goa, India 6664
December 15, 2008     Different kinds of aquatic vegetation (e.g. water lilies, grasses) Freshwater   Van Steenkiste N, Tessens B, Willems W, Van Mulken E, Artois T (2012): 348
D Natural Preserve of ‘‘Laghi di Ninfa’’, Province of Latina, central Italy 7371
2015 or earlier         collected from Cherax destructor Clark, 1936. ...molecular barcoding for the rapid identification.... Chiesa S, Scalici M, Lucentini L, Marzano FN (2015): 210-211

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