Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Stylochoplana pallida (Quatrefage, 1845)]

(Stylochoplana pallida (Quatrefage, 1845)) = Emprosthopharynx pallida

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Suez Canal (Qanat as Suways, Qana el Suweis), Egypt 2797
1924           Palombi A (1928): [location from Louise Bush notes on literature for this species, see card or notes]
B Gulf of Naples (Bay of Naples, Neapel, Napoli), Italy 1142
1845 or earlier type locality       associated Halimeda-Peyssonelia, Euspongia-Lithodomus. Quatrefages A de (1845): 133; from Riedl 1959 (citation)- p. 204
C Suez Canal (Qanat as Suways, Qana el Suweis), Egypt 2797
1928 or earlier           Palombi A (1928): abstract
D Porto de Sal Rei, Boa Vista Island, Cape Verde 4255
1904         1 specimen. from a bucketful of the incrustations of rocks exposed to surf. Laidlaw FF (1903): 708

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