Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Pseudoceros liparus Marcus, 1950]

(Pseudoceros liparus Marcus, 1950) = Pseudoceros bifurcus

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Heron Island (off south reef), Queensland Australia 505
Jul 12, 1989   3-15 m reef slope   collected by SCUBA, reef slope. Found under ledges (usually on ascidian prey) on reef slope. Abundant from Heron Island, rare from One Tree Island Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 216-217
B Heron Island (off south reef), Queensland Australia 505
Dec, 1990   3-15 m reef slope   collected by SCUBA, reef slope. Found under ledges (usually on ascidian prey) on reef slope. Abundant from Heron Island, rare from One Tree Island Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 216-217
C Heron Island (off south reef), Queensland Australia 505
Feb 18, 1991   3-15 m reef slope   collected by SCUBA, reef slope. Found under ledges (usually on ascidian prey) on reef slope. Abundant from Heron Island, rare from One Tree Island Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 216-217
D Heron Island (off south reef), Queensland Australia 505
Jun 11, 1991   3-15 m reef slope   collected by SCUBA, reef slope. Found under ledges (usually on ascidian prey) on reef slope. Abundant from Heron Island, rare from One Tree Island Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 216-217
E Heron Island (off south reef), Queensland Australia 505
Jun 20, 1991   3-15 m reef slope   collected by SCUBA, reef slope. Found under ledges (usually on ascidian prey) on reef slope. Abundant from Heron Island, rare from One Tree Island Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 216-217
F Heron Island (off south reef), Queensland Australia 505
Jun, 1991   3-15 m reef slope   collected by SCUBA, reef slope. Found under ledges (usually on ascidian prey) on reef slope. Abundant from Heron Island, rare from One Tree Island Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 216-217
G Heron Island (off south reef), Queensland Australia 505
Feb 2, 1992   3-15 m reef slope   collected by SCUBA, reef slope. Found under ledges (usually on ascidian prey) on reef slope. Abundant from Heron Island, rare from One Tree Island Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 216-217
H Heron Island (off south reef), Queensland Australia 505
Feb 13, 1992   3-15 m reef slope   collected by SCUBA, reef slope. Found under ledges (usually on ascidian prey) on reef slope. Abundant from Heron Island, rare from One Tree Island Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 216-217
I Heron Island (off south reef), Queensland Australia 505
Feb 23, 1992   3-15 m reef slope   collected by SCUBA, reef slope. Found under ledges (usually on ascidian prey) on reef slope. Abundant from Heron Island, rare from One Tree Island Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 216-217
J Heron Island (off south reef), Queensland Australia 505
Aug 28, 1992   3-15 m reef slope   collected by SCUBA, reef slope. Found under ledges (usually on ascidian prey) on reef slope. Abundant from Heron Island, rare from One Tree Island Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 216-217
K Heron Island (off south reef), Queensland Australia 505
Sep, 1992   3-15 m reef slope   collected by SCUBA, reef slope. Found under ledges (usually on ascidian prey) on reef slope. Abundant from Heron Island, rare from One Tree Island Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 216-217
L One Tree Island, southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia 1900
Sep 12, 1992   18 m reef slope   collected by SCUBA, reef slope. Found under ledges (usually on ascidian prey) on reef slope. Abundant from Heron Island, rare from One Tree Island Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 216-217
M Broadhurst Reef (Broadhorst Reef), central Great Barrier Reef, Australia 1912
Oct 14, 1973   18 m reef slope   collected by SCUBA, reef slope. Found under ledges (usually on ascidian prey) on reef slope. Abundant from Heron Island, rare from One Tree Island Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 216-217
N Broadhurst Reef (Broadhorst Reef), central Great Barrier Reef, Australia 1912
Mar 29, 1977 type locality 38 m reef slope   P. Bouchet; holotype BMNH1984.10.6.7-8. Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 216-217
O Lizard Island, northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia 3049
Apr 8, 1995   3-20 m     outer barrier, off Lizard Is., N GBR Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1998): 299
P Manado (Menado), Sulawesi, Indonesia 3048
no date   10 m     Weinberg, no date. Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1998): 299
Q Comoro Island (Angaziga, Angasidga, Grande Comore), Comoro Islands, Union of the Comoros 5114
1989 or earlier default type       marine Prudhoe S (1989):

MAP ALL (17) .

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