Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Prosthiostomum dohrnii Lang, 1884]

Prosthiostomum dohrnii Lang, 1884

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Porto Grande de Sao Vicente (St Vincent Harbour, Porto Grande), Cape Verde Archipelago, Cape Verde 1778
1904   18 m     Several specimens. Amongst nullipores at low tide, and at 10 fathoms, St. Vincent. Laidlaw FF (1906): 714
B Porto Grande de Sao Vicente (St Vincent Harbour, Porto Grande), Cape Verde Archipelago, Cape Verde 1778
1904         Several specimens. Amongst nullipores at low tide, and at 10 fathoms, St. Vincent. Laidlaw FF (1906): 714

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