Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Anortha gracilis Leidy, 1852]

(Anortha gracilis Leidy, 1852) = Catenula lemnae

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A "El Tigre" lake, Paraná River, near the city of Santa Fé, Argentina 1582
Feb 1989-Jan 1990       freshwater many individuals reproducing asexually (chains of zooids). Noreña-Janssen C (1995): 216-217
B North of Vaag (Sudero), Faroes, Ryskidalur Lake, Faroe Islands 366
Jun 22-Jul 19, 1928       freshwater large quantities in a bog-pool above the Ryskivatn NW of Vaag on Suderø, about 280 m above sea level. Steinböck O (1931): 2
C pond, in the suburb of Canindé (Caninde), north of the city of São Paulo (San Paulo), Brazil 1071
prior to 1945       freshwater various times, found with Spirostomum ambigum. Marcus Er (1945): 1, 2, 11, 12
D lake close to the river Tietê, in the suburb of Canindé (Caninde), city of São Paulo (San Paulo), Brazil 1668
prior to 1945       freshwater various times, found with Spirostomum ambigum. Marcus Er (1945): 1, 2, 11, 12
E Vila Leopoldina, east of Lapa a suburb of São Paulo, Brazil 1669
prior to 1945       freshwater various times, found with Spirostomum ambigum. Marcus Er (1945): 1, 2, 11, 12
F Jardim, São Paulo, Brazil 1670
prior to 1945       freshwater various times, found with Spirostomum ambigum. Marcus Er (1945): 1, 2, 11, 12
G river Pinheiros and its tributaries, near São Paulo (San Paulo), Brazil 1018
prior to 1945       freshwater various times, found with Spirostomum ambigum. Marcus Er (1945): 1, 2, 11, 12
H Santa Rita do Passa Quatro (Santa Rita), interior State of São Paulo, Brazil 1673
prior to 1945       freshwater various times, found with Spirostomum ambigum. Marcus Er (1945): 1, 2, 11, 12
I lake of the River Bariguy (Barigui), outskirts of Curitiba (Corityba, Curytiba), Paraná, Brazil 1672
prior to 1945       freshwater various times, found with Spirostomum ambigum. Marcus Er (1945): 1, 2, 11, 12
J Albemarle County, Virginia, USA 1688
1930 or earlier       freshwater growing in old aquaria that have dense infusions with brown bacterial scums at their surfaces. Kepner WM, Carter JS (1930): 301
K Cork County, Ireland 2114
prior to 1893       freshwater from Bennet's Lough, two miles northeast of Cork. Hartog M (1893): ; from Young JO 1970 (citation)- p 213
L London, England, United Kingdom 2115
prior to 1913       freshwater in a neighborhood of London. Whitehead H (1913): ; from Young JO 1970 (citation)- p 213
M Theydon Bois, United Kingdom 2116
prior to 1926       freshwater   Jane FW (1926): ; from Young JO 1970 (citation)- p 213
N Strawberry Hill, United Kingdom 2117
prior to 1926       freshwater   Jane FW (1926): ; from Young JO 1970 (citation)- p 213
O Epping Forest, United Kingdom 2118
prior to 1926       freshwater   Jane FW (1926): ; from Young JO 1970 (citation)- p 213
P Shannon River, Ireland 2119
prior to 1936       freshwater from weeds in River Shannon at Hayes Channel. Southern R (1936): ; from Young JO 1970 (citation)- p 213
Q Portumna, Ireland 2120
prior to 1936       freshwater bog. Southern R (1936): ; from Young JO 1970 (citation)- p 213
R Carrigahorig, Ireland 2121
prior to 1936       freshwater bog. Southern R (1936): ; from Young JO 1970 (citation)- p 213
S Lorrha, Ireland 2122
prior to 1936       freshwater   Southern R (1936): ; from Young JO 1970 (citation)- p 213
T Tiobraid Arann (Tipperary), Ireland 2123
prior to 1936       freshwater   Southern R (1936): ; from Young JO 1970 (citation)- p 213
U Kennet-Avon Canal, United Kingdom 2124
Jul 11, 1943       freshwater unpublished data from British Museum specimens. Young JO (1970): 213
V Berkshire (Berks), United Kingdom 2125
Jul 11, 1943       freshwater unpublished data from British Museum specimens. Young JO (1970): 213
W Cronton, United Kingdom 2126
1965-1967       freshwater near Cronton. Young JO (1970): 213
X Southeastern New York State, USA 2196
prior to 1987       freshwater interstitial, 6 specimens. Kolasa J, Strayer D, Bannon-O'Donnell E (1987): 127
Y Razelm-Sinoë, Northern Bay-Sulina, Romania 2575
prior to 1974       freshwater Numerous specimens. Mack-Fira V (1974): 252
Z Razelm-Sinoë, Siut-Ghiol Lake (Siutghiol, Siut Griol), Romania 2574
prior to 1974       freshwater Numerous specimens. Mack-Fira V (1974): 252
A1 Razelm-Sinoë, Tasaul Lake (Tashaul), Romania 2573
prior to 1974       freshwater Numerous specimens. Mack-Fira V (1974): 252
B1 Razelm-Sinoë, Razelmul Mare (Dolosman), Golovitza, Portitza, Sinoë Lake (Grindul Lupilor), Danube Delta, Romania 2572
prior to 1974       freshwater Numerous specimens. Mack-Fira V (1974): 252
C1 Danube Delta, Romania 2576
prior to 1974       freshwater the delta and the flooded area. Mack-Fira V (1974): 252
D1 Retezat (Retiezat, Retezatul) Mountains, Romania 2577
prior to 1974       freshwater alpine lakes. Mack-Fira V (1974): 252
E1 Plain of Romania (Romanian Plain), Ilfov County, Romania 2590
1974 or earlier       freshwater the Romanian Plain. Mack-Fira V (1974): 252
F1 Idwall, Caernarvonshire (Caernarvon, Carnarvonshire, Arfon), North Wales, United Kingdom 3349
Nov 1968 - Oct 1969   littoral   freshwater calcium poor lake (2.0 mg/l). Young JO (1973): 204
G1 Valencia (Valence, Valenza), Spain 3861
1931 or earlier         found in the vicinity of Valence. Gieysztor M (1931): abstract
H1 Leningrad Province (Sankt-Peterburg, Saint Petersburg), Russia 3893
1926 or earlier         Leningrad province. Nasonov NV (1926): abstract
I1 Lausanne, Switzerland 4093
1897 or earlier         Marsh near Vichy w. von Lausanne (am Einfluss des Flon in den Léman) Du Plessis G (1897): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 599; and from Hofsten & Steinmann (citation)- p. 706
J1 Bellerive, Switzerland 4095
1897 or earlier         Léman, Ueberschwemmungsufer bei Bellerive (la Gabiule). Du Plessis G (1897): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 599; and from Hofsten & Steinmann (citation)- p. 706
K1 Lac de Neuchatel (Neuenburger See, Neuenburg, Neuenburgersee, Neuchâtel), Switzerland 2751
1906 or earlier         Zwei Tümpel auf dem Pouillere (Neuchateler Jura, 1220 bis 1240 m ü M.). Thiébaud M, Favre J (1906): from Hofsten 1912 (citation)- p. 599; and from Hofsten & Steinmann (citation)- p. 706; Thiébaud & Favre 1906 (citation)
L1 Albufera de Valencia (Albufera, La Albufera), Spain 4994
Sep 1929           Gieysztor M (1931): 128
M1 Kaltenhof, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany 5989
Jul 10, 1957         Kaltenhofer Moor (1.Ex) Rixen J-U (1961): 470
N1 Hasenmoor, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany 5990
Oct 18, 1957         Hasenmoor bei Brandsbek (sehr häufig) Rixen J-U (1961): 470
O1 Kroog, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany 5991
Oct 22, 1957         Moor in Kiel-Kroog (sehr häufig) Rixen J-U (1961): 470
P1 Elmschenhagen, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany 5992
Oct 22, 1957         Kiel-Emlschenhagen, Moor, im Sphagnum (25 Ex.) Rixen J-U (1961): 470
Q1 Lebrader Teich, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany 5993
Nov 5, 1957         Lebrader Moor (wenige Ex.) Rixen J-U (1961): 470
R1 Lebrader Teich, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany 5993
1951         in der Seerosenzone von Seen nachgewiesen. Bülow T von (1951): from Rixen 1961 (citation)- p. 470
S1 Arnoia River near O Viso, Spain 6220
1997-1999       Limnetic   Noreña C, Damborenea C, Faubel A & Brusa F (2007): 1992, 1993
T1 Ribadil River in Riba de Mouro, Spain 6221
1997-1999       Limnetic   Noreña C, Damborenea C, Faubel A & Brusa F (2007): 1992, 1993
U1 Lake Nicola, Brazil 7743
Jun 23, 2018           Reyes J, Binow D, Vianna RT, Brusa S, Martins SE (2021): 4
V1 Lake Nicola, Brazil 7743
Feb 28, 2019           Reyes J, Binow D, Vianna RT, Brusa S, Martins SE (2021): 4
W1 Lake Mangueira, Brazil 7745
Jun 24, 2018           Reyes J, Binow D, Vianna RT, Brusa S, Martins SE (2021): 4
X1 Lake Mangueira, Brazil 7745
Feb 18, 2019           Reyes J, Binow D, Vianna RT, Brusa S, Martins SE (2021): 4
Y1 Lake Mangueira, Brazil 7745
Jun 5, 2019           Reyes J, Binow D, Vianna RT, Brusa S, Martins SE (2021): 4
Z1 Buttahatchee River, Greenwood Springs, Monroe County, Mississippi 7823
Apr 2008 - Mar 2009         ....."Buttahatchee River backwater location"...."Floodplain backwater pond" Glasgow B (2021): 189, 192, 193
A2 Tenn-Tom Waterway, Smithville, Mississippi 7833
May 2006 - Apr 2020           Glasgow B (2021): 189, 193
B2 Lake Estates, Nettleton, Lee County, Mississippi 7822
May 2006 - Apr 2020           Glasgow B (2021): 189, 193

MAP ALL (54) .