Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Polychoerus caudatus Mark, 1892]

Polychoerus caudatus Mark, 1892

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Woods Hole,Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA 223
between May and Aug 1907         numerous in the Ulven (Ulva) of Little Harbor, and the sea grass on the hotel breakwater. Graff Lvon (1911): 326
B Center (Centre, Hog) Island, New York, USA 1185
between May and Aug 1907         underside of mussel shells and smooth rocks. Graff Lvon (1911): 326
C Cold Spring Harbor, New York, USA 1186
between May and Aug 1907         underside of mussel shells and smooth rocks. Graff Lvon (1911): 326
D Woods Hole,Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA 223
1965 or earlier         common in the Woods Hole region and regulary taken both in dredgings and on Ulva from piling and rocks. Bush notes in 1965 that it had not been reported recently. Bush LF (1964): 32
E inside Lockwoods Folly Inlet, Oak Island, North Carolina, USA 1698
Oct 2002   shallow subtidal medium grained sand     Hooge MD, Smith JPS (2004): 21
F "Gutter" between Buzzards (Buzzard's) Bay and Hadley Harbor, near Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA 5392
summer 1889 default type       collected "Gutter" which connects Buzzard's Bay with Hadley Harbor. Mark EL (1892): 298

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